Aviation Security Technical Specialist, ECAC, Paris

Closing date: Monday, 4 May 2015

International Civil Aviation Organization Vacancy Notice POSITION INFORMATION

Post Title: Aviation Security Technical Specialist, ECAC

Vacancy Notice: 2015/20/P 110924

Level: P-3

Posting Period: 19 March 2015 - 4 May 2015

Duty Station: Paris

Date for entry on duty: After 4 May 2015


The ECAC Secretariat serves the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) in promoting the continued development of a safe, secure, efficient and sustainable European air transport system within its 44 Member States. It sustains extensive activities in the safety, security, facilitation, environment and economics fields. In 2015, ECAC will sign a Grant Agreement with the European Commission (EC) for the implementation of the Civil Aviation Security (CASE) project which will be delivered for the benefit of countries in Africa and in the Arabic Peninsula for a four-year duration (mid 2015 - mid 2019).

The incumbent is responsible for the development and delivery of security activities to be undertaken under the project. S/he reports directly to the Project Coordinator, and has the primary function of developing and implementing all security aspects of the CASE project. This position is limited to the duration of the project, i.e., a maximum of four years.


Functi on 1 (i ncl . Expected resul ts) Develops aviation security capacity building activities and related documentation, achieving results such as:

  • Design capacity building activities and tools (e.g. objectives, content, duration) to be organized under the project, based on identified needs from beneficiary countries.
  • Design and maintain up-to-date the content of capacity building documentation, to be used in support of capacity building activities.
  • Develop content, agenda, documentation for workshops/seminars to be organized under the project, and select appropriate moderators and speakers.
  • Develop key performance indicators to measure the quality of capacity building activities delivered and determine the level of satisfaction of beneficiary countries.

Functi on 2 (i ncl . Expected resul ts) Ensures delivery of the work programme, achieving results such as:

  • Organize and deliver, when necessary, workshops/seminars on a multilateral basis.
  • Propose to the Project Coordinator the most suitable location for the organization of workshops/seminars.
  • Establish and maintain up-to-date a database of capacity building requests.
  • Suggest beneficiary countries to the Project Coordinator, and specific capacity building activities to be undertaken.
  • Organize and deliver, when necessary, capacity building activities for beneficiary countries.
  • Select experts to be involved in capacity building activities, and workshops/seminars.
  • Keep abreast with international security developments and implementation of other international capacity building programmes and organizations (e.g. ICAO AFI Security Facilitation (SEC/FAL) Plan, African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Airports Council International (ACI).
  • Supervise and quality control the delivery of activities under the project.

Functi on 3 (i ncl . Expected resul ts) Establishes and maintains a pool of aviation security experts, achieving results such as:

  • Determine the competencies and skills required from experts to be engaged in different activities, on the basis of a matrix of competencies.
  • Liaise with ECAC Member States for the identification and release of experts.
  • Establish and implement a process for the selection of these experts, including selection tests.
  • Establish and maintain up-to-date a database of experts.
  • Ensure that experts receive appropriate orientation on the priorities and activities undertaken in the CASE project including pre- mission briefings.
  • Monitor the quality of performance of experts participating in the project.
  • Coordinate the organization of experts' missions for the activities of the project.

Functi on 4 (i ncl . Expected resul ts) Reports on the implementation of aviation security capacity building activities, achieving results such as:

  • Establish and maintain up-to-date a database of all activities undertaken, by category of activity, by country, by region/sub-region.
  • Develop trend analysis on the most/least successful activities.
  • Prepare draft reports on the activities undertaken, according to the required EU format.
  • Prepare draft reports on the activities undertaken for the ECAC Security Forum and ECAC Directors General.
  • Support the Project Coordinator for the organization of the activities pertaining to the Steering Committee and Advisory Group (e.g. reports, notes, presentations, speaking notes, and briefings).

Functi on 5 (i ncl . Expected resul ts) Promotes visibility of the activities undertaken, achieving results such as:

  • Contribute to the ECAC website and communications tools, for example by writing articles and contributions on the CASE project and in line with the Communications Plan for the project.
  • Develop tools and other means to promote the project.
  • Establish effective relations with entities involved in the delivery of the Project, and ensure networking activities.

Functi on 6 (i ncl . Expected resul ts)

Performs other related duties, as assigned.


Educati onal background

A first level university degree preferably with a specialisation in civil aviation or security, is required.

Professi onal experi ence and knowl edge


  • Six years' experience or more in a civil aviation administration, an airport operator, an airline or a similar aviation-related organization. Over three years of such experience should include work at international level.
  • Experience in developing capacity building material on aviation security.
  • Experience in implementing/delivering capacity building activities in aviation security (i.e. acting as instructor).
  • Experience in dealing with senior officials in national authorities.
  • Knowledge of international (e.g., ICAO Annex 17) and European (EU and ECAC) requirements in all domains of aviation security, including cargo security.
  • Understanding of the roles and activities of ECAC and other international aviation organizations in aviation security, in particular the European Commission and ICAO.
  • Valid security clearance.


  • Knowledge of EU-funded projects and grants mechanisms.
  • Experience in drafting training courses/syllabi.
  • Experience in working with Africa and Arabic Peninsula countries.

Language Ski l l s


  • Fluent reading, writing and speaking abilities in English.


  • A working knowledge of French as the second language of the Organization.

Competenci es

  1. Planning and Organizing: The ability to set clear goals, to prioritize, to anticipate problems or risks and use time efficiently.
  2. Communication: The ability to convey oral and written communication clearly and concisely; listening to understand, and asking questions to verify understanding.
  3. Accountability: The willingness and ability to accept responsibility for oneself and one's responsibilities; taking ownership for actions and outcomes.
  4. Teamwork: The willingness and ability to work collaboratively with others.
  5. Technological awareness: The willingness and ability to keep abreast of available technology, understand the applications and limitations of technology, and actively seek to apply and learn about new technology.

SPECIAL CONDITION FOR THIS POST: Vacancy open to nationals of ECAC Member States, listed below. MEMBER STATES OF THE EUROPEAN CIVIL AVIATION CONFERENCE Albania Estonia Lithuania San Marino Armenia Finland Luxembourg Serbia Austria France Malta Slovakia Azerbaijan Georgia Moldova Slovenia Belgium Germany Monaco Spain Bosnia and Herzegovina Greece Montenegro Sweden Bulgaria Hungary Netherlands Switzerland Croatia Iceland Norway The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Cyprus Ireland Poland Czech Republic Italy Portugal Turkey Denmark Latvia Romania Ukraine United Kingdom


It should be noted that this post is to be filled on a fixed-term basis for an initial period of three years (first year is probationary for an external candidate).

ICAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Secretary General and may be assigned to any activities or offices of the Organization within the duty station. ICAO staff members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting their status as international civil servants. In this connection, ICAO has incorporated the 2001 Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service into the ICAO Personnel Instructions. ICAO offers an attractive benefit package to its employees in accordance with the policies of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). The statutory retirement age for staff entering or re-entering service after 1 January 2014 is 65. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete a term of appointment will normally be considered. Remuneration: Level P-3 Rate Net Base Salary per annum + Post Adjustment (net) per annum(*) Single USD 56,766 USD 22,365 Dependency USD 60,813 USD 23,960 (*) Post Adjustment is subject to change.


Interested candidates must complete an on-line application form. To apply, please visit ICAO's e-Recruitment website at: careers.icao.int.


ICAO does NOT charge any fees or request money from candidates at any stage of the selection process, nor does it concern itself with bank account details of applicants. Requests of this nature allegedly made on behalf of ICAO are fraudulent and should be disregarded.

Application Information: