PhD Studentship in Ultrasonic Gas-Liquid Reactions

University of Surrey - Chemical and Process Engineering

The University of Surrey’s Sonochemistry and Ultrasonics Research Group (SURG) in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering (CPE), is offering a three-year PhD scholarship, funded by CPE. The fund will cover home fees and normal EPSRC stipend (currently £13,863/year) for three years. The studentship funding is only available to Home or EU students. Both Home and EU students have to satisfy the standard university eligibility criteria. The start date of the project is July 2015.

Ultrasonic cavitation produces chemical and physical effects and is currently considered as having industrial potential in wastewater treatment, extraction processes and biorefining. However there is a high energy cost to the use of ultrasound so research is turning to cheaper ways to use ultrasound with enhanced efficacy. This project will focus on the use of dissolved gas as a means of increasing sonochemical effects and as a potential way of waste gas recycling. The work will involve a literature review on the gas-liquid interactions in ultrasonic waves, experimental work to examine the various effects and modelling to describe the chemical behaviour.

The candidate should have a Master’s degree in chemical engineering, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, chemical physics or equivalent. However candidates who have excellent track records and a willingness to learn will also be considered. Opportunity exists for the candidate to have a large degree of autonomy in the project, given justification.


Please send a cover letter explaining your interest in and qualifications for the project, a CV, and the names and contact details of two references. Applications should be sent by e-mail to Dr Madeleine Bussemaker (m.bussemaker<στο> by 8 May 2015. Informal enquires are welcome and should be made to Dr Madeleine Bussemaker
