Early Stage Researchers

We have openings for two positions for Early Stage Researchers to work towards a Ph.D. degree at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Porto, Portugal in the framework of the MarineUAS project (Marie Curie ITN H2020). The candidates will study and develop advanced cooperative control algorithms for autonomous robotic vehicles.


The candidates will study and develop advanced cooperative control algorithms for autonomous robotic vehicles with emphasis on the following topics: 
• Cooperative control of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for distributed monitoring with logic-based communication
• Coordinated control for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) integration in maritime operations

Nr of positions available : 2

Research Fields

Engineering - Electrical engineering

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


• € 2.771,01/month 
• Mobility allowance: €600/ month
• Family allowance: €500/month (subject to family situation)
The position also includes paid tuition for the period of the appointment. 
These amounts are gross amounts, subject to taxation according Portugal national law. Consequently, the net salary results from deducting all compulsory (employer and employee) social security contributions as well as direct taxes (e.g. income tax) and insurance from these gross amounts.

Comment/web site for additional job details

For more information please visit the website: http://www.marineuas.eu

Application e-mail


Application Deadline
