PhD Studentship: Adaptive Non-Newtonian Gels for Ultrasonic and Acoustics Applications

University of Southampton - Acoustics

The need for improved acoustic and ultrasonic performance in materials is leading to the development of a wide range of metamaterials that have properties not found in natural materials.  In addition the acoustic properties of materials may potentially be altered using an externally applied field. 

The ultrasonic and acoustic properties of non-Newtonian gels (Bingham plastics) containing inclusions may be modified by utilising magneto-responsive materials. Studies have shown that the application of a magnetic field can vary the geometry of the inclusions and subsequent Mie resonances in emulsions. It has been suggested this behaviour may be utilised in ultrasonics as a contrast agent and a study of such materials is warranted to explore their potential amenability to other ultrasonic and acoustic applications through control of their attenuation and wave speed.

In order to investigate their potential, models are required which describe the multi-disciplinary physics of such materials. This project will undertake to study this via the development and validation of suitable numerical models, and provide a tool capable of exploring the capacity and limitations of magneto-responsive non-Newtonian gel systems to provide adaptable properties for ultrasound and acoustic applications.

The project will consist of mainly theoretical and computational modelling with some potential for experimental measurement.  The work is funded by a CASE studentship in conjunction with QinetiQ and is open to UK nationals.

If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Victor Humphrey, Acoustics research group, Email: vh<στο>, Tel: +44 (0) 2380 59 4957.

To apply please use the following link and select Faculty of Engineering and the Environment.
