EPSRC STREAM PhD Studentship in Water Engineering: Events Recognition System for Water Treatment Processes

University of Exeter - Engineering

Primary Supervisor: Professor Zoran Kapelan

Funding: 3-year studentship: Fees and an annual stipend equivalent to current Research Council rates is available to UK and EU students

This project will develop a new Event Recognition System (ERS) to detect and diagnose potential issues/faults at Water Treatment Works (WTW) processes and/or sensors in near real-time. This will be achieved by processing the WTW sensor and other data in near real-time. This, in turn, will enable more proactive interventions to be identified and implemented with potential to prevent failures before they impact the customers and/or the environment. The new ERS will be tested and verified by using the historical and near real-time live data from several WTWs within the United Utilities area (large UK water company supplying water to over 7 million customers). The new technology will result in a step change in the way WTWs are operated leading to multiple benefits including the improved customer service via reduced customer complaints and regulatory fines due to associated WTW events, reduced operational and maintenance costs via improved awareness and handling of WTW operation, performance and events and reduced negative impact on the environment.

Application criteria:

We are looking for highly motivated applicants that should have or expect to achieve at least a 2:1 Honours degree, or equivalent, in Engineering or related fields (Computer Science, Physics, Applied Mathematics). Previous experience in water treatment processes and/or software programming are desirable.

Contact for informal enquiries: G.R.Tabor<στο>exeter.ac.uk Professor Zoran Kapelan (tel: 01392 724054)

Postgraduate Research Office: emps-pgr-ad<στο>exeter.ac.uk

The closing date for applications is midnight on 15th May 2015
