EngD Studentship

Cranfield University - Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Renewable Energy Marine Structures (REMS) –

Start Date: 1st October 2015

Duration of award: 4 years

Dr. Supriyo Ganguly – Sr Lecturer in welding Engineering

Professor Stewart Williams – Director of the Welding Engineering and Laser Processing Centre

This prestigious (EPSRC) studentship will provide a tax free bursary at the standard prevailing rate for Engineering Doctorate (plus fees) as determined by EPSRC*

The REMS, CDT is a collaborative consortium between Cranfield and Oxford Universities which seeks to train high calibre candidates for the critical sector of renewable energy marine structures. The REMS CDT conducts research across the full spectrum of Offshore & Marine Renewable Energy structures integrating deep specialist areas such as geotechnical engineering, the soil-structure interface, whole-system structural design & optimisation, design for manufacture, inspection maintenance & repair and structural integrity including fatigue & fracture mechanics in the marine environment.

The Welding Engineering and Laser Processing Centre of Cranfield University conduct research in the area of advanced manufacturing and fabrication of design critical and complex structures in the following aspects:

  • Improve through service life by implementing novel design concept understanding the service requirement of a structure e.g. developing functional surface, stress and weld metal engineering etc.
  • Increase manufacturing and fabrication productivity through application of state of the art flexible power sources. Laser processing has been identified as one of the potential mechanism to improve productivity but laser alone has its limitations for structural fabrications. Intelligent and synchronised application of more than one power source with complimentary capabilities has been identified as one of the potential technologies to explore.
  • Novel joining and fabrication procedures for joining dissimilar and highly dissimilar material combinations, improved structural integrity of joined structure and freeform manufacturing

The selected candidates would be part of a cohort and would undergo intense training in specialized subject areas at the start of the four years based at Cranfield University, followed by return visits over the four years for specialist modules

Entry requirements:

Applicants should have a first or second class UK honours degree or equivalent in a related discipline, such as materials or mechanical engineering. The ideal candidate should have some understanding in the area of advanced metal processing. The candidate should be self-motivated, have good communication.


* To be eligible for this funding, applicants must be a UK national. We require that applicants are under no restrictions regarding how long they can stay in the UK i.e. have no visa restrictions or applicant has “settled status” and has been “ordinarily resident” in the UK for 3 years prior to start of studies and has not been residing in the UK wholly or mainly for the purpose of full-time education. (This does not apply to UK or EU nationals). Due to funding restrictions all EU nationals are eligible to receive a fees-only award if they do not have “settled status” in the UK.

How to apply:

If you are eligible to apply for this research studentship, please complete the online application form

For further information please contact: Dr. Supriyo Ganguly, Sr Lecturer in Welding Science, E:s.ganguly<στο>cranfield.ac.uk, T: (0) 1234 750111 Ext: 5054 or Sam Skears, Energy Doctoral Training Programme Manager & REMS Administrator, T: (0)1234 758375, E: s.skears@cranfield.ac.uk
