PhD Scholarships, University of Oulu, Finland (2015-2016)

The University of Oulu, located at the heart of the globally recognized Oulu region R&D hub in Northern Finland, promotes advanced research especially in the focus areas of Biosciences and Health, Environment, Natural Resources and Materials, Information Technology, and Cultural Identity and Interaction. The University, with its 10 faculties and more than 70 specialist disciplines, cooperates closely with industry and commerce, and has broad connections with many international research and education institutions.

General description of the positions and the minimum requirements for selection
The University of Oulu Graduate School invites applications for:
- Fifty-eight (58) four-year doctoral student positions for 2016 – 2019, funded by the University of Oulu and distributed between eight of the UniOGS Doctoral Programmes. In addition, two (2) four-year “open research project” (Open-Res) positions will be allocated to applicants whose research relates to any research area of the University of Oulu not covered by the doctoral programmes participating in this call. Applicants for four-year positions will be either starting their doctoral training, or will have completed no more than two full years of training (adjusted for possible previous part-time status) at the time the position is filled.

Funding is also available for:
- Seven (7) two-year positions (2016 – 2017) in: the Advanced Materials Doctoral Programme (one position); the Oulu Business School Doctoral Programme (three positions); the Infotech Oulu Doctoral Programme (three positions).
- Multiple short-term vacancies (during 2016 – 2017), for doctoral students enrolled in the Infotech Oulu Doctoral Programme (one six-month position), or who are enrolled in the Medical Research Centre Oulu Doctoral Programme and hold a licentiate degree in Medicine or a licentiate degree in Dentistry (up to a cumulative total of 36 years).

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Παρασκευή, Αύγουστος 21, 2015