Nine (9) PhD Scholarships in Organic Chemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden (2015-2016)

Nine PhD students in Organic Chemistry at the Department of Organic Chemistry. Reference numbers from SU FV-1168-15 to SU FV-1175-15. Deadline for applications: May 5, 2015.

The Department of Organic Chemistry has an extensive research program. This research program covers many areas of experimental and theoretical chemistry including metal catalysis, asymmetric synthesis, as well as several areas of bioorganic chemistry such as carbohydrate chemistry and enzyme chemistry.

For admission the candidates should have approved the advanced level examination (for example M.Sc.), completed at least 240 credits of course requirements, of which at least 60 credits of advanced level, or have otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge either locally or abroad. Particularly desirable is good knowledge of organic chemistry and general basic subjects of relevance for the researching studies. (A full academic year corresponds to 60 credits).

For non EU residents a GRE test is required. Proficiency in English, for non-native English speaking applicants should be demonstrated in one of the following ways:

* IELTS score (Academic) of 6.0 or more (with none of the sections scoring less than 5.0)
* TOEFL score of 550 or more (computer based test 213, internet based 79)
* Cambridge/Oxford – Advanced of Proficiency level
* If the language of instruction for the M.Sc. degree was English, a certificate on this may prove the proficiency in English.

Specific entry requirements apply according to the general syllabus for research studies within the subject organic chemistry or, where appropriate, spectroscopy or theoretical chemistry.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Κυριακή, Απρίλιος 5, 2015