Postdoc in Optical Quantum Communication Systems

Technical University of Denmark - DTU Fotonik

DTU Fotonik works with all areas of photonic engineering, including a strong focus on optical communications.

We are now seeking a Postdoc in optical quantum communication systems.

Responsibilities and tasks

The focus of the position will be single-photon sources and quantum key distribution (QKD) signals, i.e., an optical quantum key used to secure and encrypt data. A key issue for the postdoc is to demonstrate QKD schemes as well as on-demand single-photon sources that operate preferably without elaborate set-ups like cryogenics or electro-magnetic laser-cooled atom-traps. Furthermore, it is desirable if the wavelength of operation is in the telecom window i.e. around 1550 nm.

Regarding the QKD schemes, the postdoc will explore novel QKD schemes using advanced fibres that support propagation of so-called higher order modes, and pursue the integration of single-photon sources with integrated higher order mode couplers. One goal for the postdoc will be to conduct experiments of QKD transmission over fibre at 1550 nm, including QKD on higher order modes.

Another goal is to explore methods to create efficient on-demand single-photon sources based on integrated nonlinear silicon waveguides, and in addition create a platform for quantum interference experimental investigations.

The postdoc will focus on developing experimental frameworks for demonstration of QKD and single photon generation. However, appropriate theoretical and numerical work should support the effort.

The postdoc may benefit from international collaboration with partners at Applied Communication Sciences (ACS), New Jersey, USA, Universities of Sydney and Bristol, who are world leading in this field. The postdoc project will be part of the newly started Research Centre of Excellence, SPOC (Silicon Photonics for Optical Communications) and will work in close collaboration with many other activities within the centre.

Apart from the research outlined above the postdoc position will involve a limited amount of teaching mainly in the form of supervising student projects.


Candidates should have a PhD degree or equivalent within experimental quantum optics. A strong background in quantum communications and quantum signal processing is preferred. Experience with nonlinear optics, silicon photonics and fiber optics is also of high importance.

Application procedure

To apply, please read the full job advertisement at

Application deadline: 1 June 2015.

DTU Fotonik has 210 employees with competences in optics and is one of the largest centers in the world based solely on research in photonics. Research is performed within optical sensors, lasers, LEDs, photovoltaics, ultra-high speed optical transmission systems, bio-photonics, nano-optics and quantum photonics.

DTU is a technical university providing internationally leading research, education, innovation and public service. Our staff of 5,700 advance science and technology to create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society; and our 10,000 students are being educated to address the technological challenges of the future. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government, and public agencies.
