PhD Thesis - Wireless interconnect for inter chip communications on Board

Wireless interconnect for inter chip communications on Board

The proposed thesis will take place in the context of development of new interconnection schemes for the ultra-fast electronic with the aim to overcome the bottleneck of classical wired interconnects especially for networks on board and inter-chip communications. This thesis will be in line with a more complete project, which aims to propose wireless inter connections and the new associated opportunities for memories accesses and parallelism management, made possible with radio link on network on chips or onboard.


The first objective of the thesis is to demonstrate the feasibility of radio link for inter-chips communications on PCB board. The work will begin by the selection of the working frequencies and multiple access techniques which have an impact on antennas and transceivers. Then, the PhD student will have to design embedded antennas and microwave transmitters and receivers for inter chip communications. This part of work requires an important interaction with the other participants of the global project like those in charge of multiple access techniques.
The second part of this thesis will be about the performance evaluations of the on board transmission channels. This work will concern the transmission performances and power consumption by bit, and will aim to also evaluate the EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) of proposed solutions. Here again, the PhD student will have to interact with the other parts of project like those in charge of channel coding or the multiple access techniques.

Context of the proposal :
This thesis proposal fitsinto the context of the future global project that will be proposed to the labex CominLabs (French laboratory of excellence) during 2015.

The Team supervision & facilities :
This thesis will take placein Lab-STICC laboratory at the University of Brest (Université de Bretagne occidentale). It will be supervised, for the microwave part, by three faculty members which have a great experience in microwave. C. Quendo has a great recognition on RF passive devices like antennas and filters whereas T. Le Gouguec and P.M. Martin are more specialized in interconnect problematics and signal integrity. The PhD will be funded by French search ministry through the University of Brest. (,

Candidate profile :
The funding depends on competitive exam, therefor the candidate must present a good ranking in master degree and a good CV. The candidate should also have solid knowledge in antennas, microwave circuits design. A good knowledge of commercial software like ADS, HFSS and Ansoft Designer, will be a real asset. No nationality requirement is needed.

Contact :

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields


Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


Gross monthly salary : 1685€