PhD position in informatics

Modelling sustainability assessment of engineered nano-materials (ENMs) through decision support system software.


The use of nanomaterials in everyday products is constantly increasing, nevertheless the methodologies for sustainability assessment of engineered nano-materials are still underdeveloped. This because, due to the youth of this filed of studies, large uncertainty is still present both in risk assessment of nanomaterials and in standardized approaches for sustainability estimation. It’s a matter of fact that nano-sized particles behaves differently from well known “regular” particles, consequently threats generated from these particles are still difficult to be quantitatively estimated and predicted. On the other side, sustainability is broadly defined as the correct integration of Economic, Social and Environmental aspects, but a standardized set of indicators and methodologies of assessment are still lacking.
The focus of the PhD is to explore and implement decision analysis methodologies related to safety and security of nano-particles’ based emerging technologies. More precisely, the different heterogeneous aspects included in sound sustainability assessment has to be explored and the most suitable evaluation and uncertainty estimation methodology has to be selected and implemented into the SUNDS web application. The heterogeneity of models to be adapted and included in SUNDS as well as the will of the SUN project to develop a web application which makes use of the most recent and emerging technologies are the challenges of this position.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Computer science - Programming
Environmental science - Ecology

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


Location in Venice, multicultural working environment

Comment/web site for additional job details website

Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application Deadline
