PhD Position - Hierarchical Composite Materials


The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) includes nine schools with more than 10'000 students. In a joint program with the Swiss Nanoscience Institute at Uni Basel and the Paul Scherrer Institute, we are looking for you to join the FHNW School of Engineering, Institute of Polymer Engineering, in Windisch, Switzerland, at the earliest possible date:

PhD position (m/f) in hierarchical composite materials

Your tasks: You will apply novel techniques, such as atomic layer deposition and chemical vapour deposition, to densely grow CNTs on the surface of carbon fibres to make composite materials with hierarchical interfacial structures. This work comprises: i) investigation of CNT growth mechanisms and its effect on carbon fibre strength using advanced analytical techniques, ii) understanding the composite processing behaviour, such as wetting, both at the nano and micro scale level, and iii) characterization of composites as engineering material. To fulfil these tasks, you are provided with access to top level research facilities: Large variety of mechanical testing at micro and macro, SEM, XPS, UPS, LEED, STM, AFM, tensiometer, contact angle measurement, DMA, TGA, DSC, ellipsometry, synchrotron based cSAXS and other. More detailed information on the research project can be found at

Please send us your application before May 14th 2015 online via the "Apply Through Website" button. For further information please contact Prof. Clemens Dransfeld, Head of institute, P +41 76 395 86 50, Please note that applications sent directly to this address will not be considered.


Your profile: You have an excellent Master’s degree in materials science, chemistry or physics, as well as practical experience in CNT growth or processing techniques and characterisation of carbon fibre reinforced polymers. Furthermore you should be familiar with mechanics of composite materials and polymers. An excellent command of German next to English would be favourable.

You should be motivated to work in an interdisciplinary scientific environment, have the ability to work independently and enjoy the interaction in a strong team. The experimental work will be carried out at our lab as well as the Laboratory of Micro- and Nanotechnology at Paul Scherrer Institute and the Nanoelectronics group at University of Basel. The PhD degree will be awarded in experimental physics by University of Basel. FHNW strongly encourages applications by women.