Scientific Software Developers

The Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) is a joint venture between ETH Zurich, MeteoSwiss, Empa, WSL, and Agroscope. The Center supports research activities of more than 30 groups from the partner institutions by contributing to the refinement and maintenance of a hierarchy of climate models. In particular, C2SM, together with ETH, MeteoSwiss and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) are involved in a large project to adapt the regional weather and climate model COSMO to Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). A large part of the model has been ported to GPU by means of compiler-based directives (OpenACC). While this approach is attractive to port scientific applications to different architectures, the resulting code is often not optimal in terms of code maintainability and performance. To overcome this challenge, the CLAW project will develop a source-to-source translator to automatize the generation of optimized code for specific hardware targets from a high-level source code. The open-source tool will be applied to three state-of-the-art climate models (COSMO, ICON, HAMMOZ), which are used within the C2SM community and beyond.

Scientific Software Developers

We are seeking two motivated Scientific Software Developers to join the inter-disciplinary CLAW research team. The main tasks of the successful candidates will be to contribute to the design and implementation of the CLAW source-to-source translation tool and to apply it to selected parts of climate models on different architectures.

You have a MSc or PhD in Computational Science, Physics or related field. You have excellent programming skills, are used to work in a Linux/Unix environment, and have sound experience in high-performance computing and parallel programming. Experience in GPGPU programming (CUDA, OpenCL, OpenACC), source-to-source translation, or exposure to Fortran and/or Python will be considered an advantage. To round off your profile, you are a team-oriented and goal-driven individual who enjoys a diverse working environment.

We offer engaging positions which provide the opportunity to work on leading edge software and hardware technologies, to collaborate with internationally renowned research groups and supercomputing centers, and to develop production quality software products, within a motivated team. We offer internationally competitive salary (based upon qualifications and experience). The two positions are available as of Mai 2015 (or as soon as possible thereafter). Initial appointment is for one year. Working place is Zurich (ETH Zürich and MeteoSwiss at Zurich airport).

Potential applicants seeking further information are invited to contact Xavier Lapillonne at MeteoSwiss (xavier.lapillonne<στο>, Sylvaine Ferrachat at ETH (sylvaine.ferrachat<στο>, or Isabelle Bey at C2SM (isabelle.bey<στο>

Candidates should apply online until May 17th, 2015 with attention to «ETH Zurich, Mr. Olivier Meyrat, Human Resources, CH-8092 Zürich» including a letter of interest, a CV, and the names and contact information of 2–3 references.

Applications sent by email will not be considered.