EPSRC INDUSTRIAL CASE Award - Modelling Thermal Effects within Thin-Film Flows for Gas Turbine Transmission System Components

University of Nottingham

Academic Supervisors: Dr S Hibberd (Industrial and Applied Mathematics Group, Mathematical Sciences), Prof H Power (Division of Energy and Sustainability, Faculty of Engineering); Project Partner: Rolls-Royce plc.

This postgraduate studentship is available for a 3.5 years award period and will include a period of  three months experience at Rolls-Royce plc.

The student will receive a full EPSRC studentship including expenses for travel and subsistence costs in visiting Rolls-Royce plc and modest enhancement. Research experience will also be enhanced through collaboration within the Gas Turbine Research Centre / University Technology Centre a well-established University collaboration with Rolls-Royce plc.www.nottingham.ac.uk/~eazsm/utc_website.

Project outline:

A number of technologies in aerospace gas turbine transmission systems must maintain appropriate cooling of component surfaces and mitigate contact by the use of thin fluid films. In many cases the operating requirements for these components include high rotation speeds, high pressures and high temperatures. Modern design processes for aeroengine components depend increasingly on high quality modelling tools to guide the creation of new products to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying flow characteristics. This project aims to develop detailed understanding of heat transfer in highly sheared thin-film flows through the creation of sophisticated modelling approaches and numerical tools. Using this capability there will be an opportunity to perform detailed analysis of several engine-relevant configurations.

The classical theory of thin-film flow is associated with solutions typically for low fluid speeds (Reynolds equation). For higher speed flow an important physical process, often neglected from many current thin-film flow models, is the generation, transfer and effect of heat within the film and from the surrounding structures. Advanced modelling requires the careful development of fully representative equations and the specification of appropriate boundary conditions. A new model to incorporate non-isothermal effects relevant to a bearing chamber context is provided by Kay, E. D, Hibberd, S. and Power, H., (2014); A depth-averaged model for non-isothermal thin-film rimming flow. Int Jnl. Heat and Mass Transfer,70, 1003-1015. doi 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstansfer.2013.11.040

This multi-disciplinary project will be undertaken by a graduate student in mathematics, engineering or related degree with a strong applied mathematics background and with an interest in fluid mechanics, mathematical and numerical methods. Award stipend is £17k per year and registration will be in either Mathematics or Engineering depending on student preference.

For details of ICASE awards and restrictions that exist on student eligibility

see: www.epsrc.ac.uk/skills/students/coll/icase/intro

For further details please contact Dr Stephen Hibberd, School of Mathematical Sciences (email:stephen.hibberd<στο>nottingham.ac.uk)

Please quote ref: SCI/1454.
