PhD studentship: Novel geodesic composite structures for military bridging and vehicle applications

University of Bristol - Aerospace Engineering

The project:

Geodesic space frame structures provide an alternative philosophy for design of weight optimised and highly loaded structures. Bespoke geodesic configurations in combination with the tailored properties of fibre composites can lead to highly efficient and damage tolerant solutions.

A fundamental research study will be performed to develop the underpinning composite or hybrid technologies to enable the design, analysis and manufacture of such lightweight structures, capable of efficiently accommodating dynamic load cases for applications of interest to BAE Systems. One of the key challenges is associated with the “node” points where complex load transfers occur. It is likely that 3D reinforcement architecture will be considered for the nodes. The study aims to address the following aspects:

  • Development of global-local FEA analysis for the highly loaded 3D reinforced composite nodes and other critical features/ interfaces, leading to design optimisations.
  • Development of suitable low-cost composite manufacture techniques for the node, strut and cover plates.
  • Consideration of damage tolerance designs and tailored redundancy including deployment of suitable structural health monitoring systems.
  • Manufacture of representative structural elements and validation testing.
  • Extension of the analysis for high rate dynamic loads.

Candidate requirements:

Applications are invited from UK residents with minimum of upper-second class degree (or equivalent qualification) in Science, Mathematics or Engineering, with a demonstrable interest in composites. 


Funding is available covering tuition fees and living costs at the EPSRC rate for three years (for 2015-2016 the rate is £14,000), plus an industrial top up fund of £3,500 per annum. Applicants must fulfill the EPSRC eligibility criteria which can be found online at:

How to apply:

Please make an online application for this project at Please selectAerospace Engineering on the Programme Choice page and enter details of the studentship when prompted in the Funding and Research Details sections of the form.

Contacts: Professor Michael Wisnom and Professor Stephen Hallett

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