3 PhD Studentships in the Jeremiah Horrocks Institute

University of Central Lancashire

Applications are invited for three full time PhD (via MPhil) studentships. The studentships are tenable for up to 3 years full-time [subject to satisfactory progress] and will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU rates plus an annual maintenance stipend of £14,057 per year (2015/16 rate). International applicants may apply but will be expected to pay the difference between the UK/EU and International fee rate. The successful applicant will start on 1 October 2015. 

As a minimum requirement, applicants should have or expect to receive a UK 2:1 Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent qualification) in a relevant discipline. 

Project 1 

Reference RS/15/01 

Project Title: Tunable Anisotropic Magnetization Damping in Multiferroic Structures 

Project Description 

Research into fast magnetization dynamics has seen a growing interest due to both the exciting physics involved and its application to spintronics devices, including magnetic memory devices and multiferroic tunnel junctions. The ability to control and tune the magnetization switching processes is expected to result in a new generation of advanced spintronics devices and open a rich avenue of research. This project will investigate exactly this possibility, using a novel method for controlling magnetization precession damping in multiferroic devices. 

In magnetic materials damping of magnetization precession occurs due to energy transfer processes from the spin system to the lattice and it is an essential mechanism which determines the speed of magnetization switching in magnetic materials and spintronics devices. Damping is commonly described using an isotropic scalar, α, the Gilbert damping parameter, within the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert description of magnetization dynamics. Theoretical investigations have shown that α is generally an anisotropic temperature-dependent tensor, supported by recent experimental evidence, although currently limited. In multiferroic structures, such as multiferroic tunnel junctions, by modifying the periodic lattice potential through voltage-dependent strain coupling between a ferroelectric and ferromagnetic layer, the spin-orbit interaction which couples the spin to the lattice potential should result in a controllable modification of the anisotropy of magnetization damping. 

You will study this theme using a number of techniques, including low-temperature ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), low-temperature time-resolved pump-probe MOKE, biaxial VSM with direct and inverse magneto-electric measurements capabilities, SEM, TEM, SPM techniques including AFM, MFM, PFM. The results obtained here will be analysed using a specially modified version of the micromagnetics software Boris, developed by Serban Lepadatu, to take into account the ellipticity of precessional orbits in order to reproduce the anisotropic FMR response. 

This project involves external collaboration with Professor Marin Alexe, Warwick University, a world-leading expert on oxide thin films, including multiferroic tunnel junctions. 

For academic related queries please contact Serban Lepadatu: SLepadatu<στο>uclan.ac.uk, Phone : +44 (0)1772 893553 

Closing Date: 5 June 2015

Proposed Interview Date: 19 June 2015

Project 2

Reference RS/15/02

Project Title: Probing Surface Structure and Interactions of Ionic Liquids 

Project Description

Ionic liquids (ILs) consist of ions held together by a strong Coulomb potential and can remain liquid up to around 400 K. The combination of cations and anions can be tuned to create ILs with desired properties. ILs have very low vapour pressures and as a result can be studied in ultra-high vacuum conditions. This has opened up an exciting new avenue of research for liquid surface science. ILs are being investigated for applications such as gas capture and separation, electrolyte in batteries and photovoltaic devices, catalysis, lubrication and nanoparticle growth. There has been an explosion of research into ILs over the last few years but there is very little research into the fundamental interactions of ILs at surfaces, which is important to many of their applications. 

In this project you will investigate the structure and interactions of ILs at surfaces and interfaces. You will investigate how ILs interact with gas molecules with a view towards gas capture applications and you will study the interaction of ILs with oxide surfaces (such as ZnO and TiO2) with a view towards photovoltaic and catalysis applications. You will use techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and diffraction techniques primarily at synchrotron facilities around Europe, to determine the structure, bonding and charge dynamics at the interfaces. For the study of gas capture in ILs you will carry out experiments at facilities which allow photoelectron spectroscopy measurements to be taken at near-ambient pressures (~10 mbar). Near-ambient pressure photoelectron experiments are a recent development in surface science and for this project they will create a more realistic environment where the IL is in dynamic equilibrium with the surrounding gas. 

For academic related queries please contact Karen Syres: KSyres<στο>uclan.ac.uk, Phone : +44 (0)1772 893580 

Closing Date: 5 June 2015

Proposed Interview Date: 19 June 2015 

Project 3 

Reference RS/15/03 

Project Title: Theory-assisted search for novel itinerant magnets. 

Project Description 

In this project you will search for systems built of nonmagnetic elements in which strong spin fluctuations may lead to an itinerant spin-density-wave-type magnetic order at low temperatures.

The project will start with performing a series of density functional theory-based electronic band structure calculations aiming at choosing candidate compounds for experimental investigations. Attempts to synthesize crystals of such materials will be carried as the next step. Structural and compositional characterization of grown phases will be carried by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energydispersive X-ray microanalysis and will be followed by physical properties measurements (ac magnetic susceptibility, dc magnetization, electrical resistivity and specific heat) at temperatures between 0.2 K and 400 K and in magnetic fields of up to 9 Tesla using a standard Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS, Quantum Design) and an Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator system at Royal Holloway, University of London.

A possibility will be given of performing high pressure electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements using piston cylinder cells and Bridgman-type high pressure cells. Where appropriate, additional experiments will be conducted using advanced user facilities in the UK such as Diamond Light Source and ISIS pulsed neutron and muon source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Leeds EPSRC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Equipment Facility.

For academic related queries please contact Monika Gamza: MGamza<στο>uclan.ac.uk, Phone : +44 (0)1772 893262

Further details about the project can be found here 

Closing Date: 7 July 2015

Proposed Interview Date: 17 July 2015 

Further information

For the application forms and full details go to:


Completed application forms should be returned to the Research Student Registry emailresearchadmissions<στο>uclan.ac.uk 

Current UCLAN research students will not be elibile to apply for the research studentship
