PhD Opportunity in Acoustics Research Unit

University of Liverpool

Applications are invited for a fully-funded postgraduate student to join the Acoustics Research Unit ( for a four year period of research leading to the award of PhD. In the first two years you will be registered for part-time PhD study with the remainder of your time devoted to research administration and grant support in the Acoustics Research Unit (ARU). This will give you the opportunity to play a role in shaping the research direction of the ARU and facilitating research impact, as well as enhancing your own CV for a research career. In the last two years you will be registered for full-time PhD study.

The research topic must be in the domain of sound and/or structure-borne sound that falls into the range of acoustics topics indicated at The supervisors (Professor Hopkins and Dr Lee) will discuss your research interests with you after considering your CV, and propose research topics.

The minimum requirement is a first degree (First or Upper Second) in acoustics, engineering, physics, or similar.

The stipend is £14,057 per annum for four years. In addition, the PhD registration fees for the Home, EU or International student will be paid for the four year period.

It is intended that the post will start on 1st September 2015. Informal enquiries with your CV should be emailed to Professor Carl Hopkins (carl.hopkins<στο>

To apply, please complete the postgraduate research application form (available and email it directly to Professor Hopkins (carl.hopkins<στο> Please note that for Section 9 you will need to provide two academic references.
