post doc in the field of physics or applied computer science

Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Sciences announces three 3-year post-doc positions starting in the fall of 2015.


Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Sciences announces three 3-year post-doc positions starting in the fall of 2015. Candidates (having PhD degree or those who will succesfully defend their thesis till 14 September 2015) should supply in the electronic form to the
Faculty Secretariat e-mail: the following
1) application with very short motivation
2) CV
3) list of publications and possible other scientific activities
4) at least one reference letter (it is preferred that all the documentation comes together in a single e-mal, however, it is also possible to arrange for the reference letter to be send independently)
5) a statement of the faculty member [see for the list of professors and independent researches („habilitated doctor”)] of his/her willingness to accept a candidate in his/her group together with a very short research plan.

The deadline for applications is May 10, 2015. Candidates may be asked for a short public presentation
(possibility of skype presentation for foreigners). The ranking list of candidated will be formed till
June, 6 2015. Succesful candidates (places 1-3) will be employed by the University as research assistants (with no teaching duty) for a period of 3 years provided they deliver PhD certificate as well as additional documentation – the list available from the Faculty Secretariat – necessary for formal employment till 15 September 2015. Otherwise successive candidates from the ranking list will be taken into account or the position will not be filled depending on the decision of the Selection Committee. 

Application should contain (necessary by polish law) the permission of the applicant to use his personal data for the selection procedure by the Selection Committee.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields


Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 

Comment/web site for additional job details

Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Sciences announces three 3-year post-doc positions starting in the fall of 2015. Candidates (having PhD degree or those who will succesfully defend their thesis till 14 September 2015) should supply in the electronic form to the
Faculty Secretariat e-mail: the following
1) application with very short motivation
2) CV
3) list of publications and possible other scientific activities
4) at least one reference letter (it is preferred that all the documentation comes together in a single e-mal, however, it is also possible to arrange for the reference letter to be send independently)
5) a statement of the faculty member [see for the list of professors and independent researches („habilitated doctor”)] of his/her willingness to accept a candidate in his/her group together with a very short research plan.

The deadline for applications is May 10, 2015. Candidates may be asked for a short public presentation
(possibility of skype presentation for foreigners). The ranking list of candidated will be formed till
June, 6 2015. Succesful candidates (places 1-3) will be employed by the University as research assistants (with no teaching duty) for a period of 3 years provided they deliver PhD certificate as well as additional documentation – the list available from the Faculty Secretariat – necessary for formal employment till 15 September 2015. Otherwise successive candidates from the ranking list will be taken into account or the position will not be filled depending on the decision of the Selection Committee. 

Application should contain (necessary by polish law) the permission of the applicant to use his personal data for the selection procedure by the Selection Committee.

Application Deadline
