European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)

Call for Applications EMSA/AD/2015/04 (Agency’s Temporary Staff)

Post:EMSA/AD/2015/04 - Project Officer for Environmental Protection
Directorate/Unit:Unit B.3 - Marine Environment and Port State Control
Type of post:Temporary agent post
Grade :AD6


Closing date for applications:24 April 2015


The selection of candidates will follow the EMSA Staff Recruitment Procedure. Candidates must apply for this post via the EMSA website - vacancies. Please note that to make an EMSA on-line application you will need to create your EMSA profile using a valid e-mail address and a password.


1. Background

The European Maritime Safety Agency was established for the purpose of ensuring a high, uniform and effective level of maritime safety, maritime security as well as prevention of and response to pollution by ships within the EU.

The idea of a European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) originated in the late 1990s along with a number of other important European maritime safety initiatives. EMSA was set up as the regulatory agency that would provide a major source of support to the Commission and the Member States in the field of maritime safety and prevention of pollution from ships.

The European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002, as amended, provides the legal basis for the establishment of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).


2. Tasks of the Agency

The Agency provides technical, operational and scientific assistance to the European Commission and Member States in the fields of maritime safety, maritime security, prevention of, and response to, pollution caused by ships as well as response to marine pollution caused by oil and gas installations.

The Agency also contributes to the overall efficiency of maritime traffic and maritime transport.


3. Unit B.3 - Marine Environment and Port State Control

This unit is responsible for providing technical assistance to the European Commission and Member States on matters regarding the application and possible amendments to EU legislation falling under the scope of the EMSA Regulation, as amended.


To work with the European Commission and Member States' experts on technical issues regarding the implementation of Directive 2009/16/EC and its implementing regulations on port state control. Participation in technical working groups of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding and assessment of the implementation of port state control in Member States. Hosting, support, development and operation of the supporting information system. Provision of training for PSC Officers aiming at harmonisation within the Paris MoU region as mentioned in the Directive.


To provide technical, operational and scientific assistance to the European Commission and Member States in the field of prevention of pollution caused by ships including, but not limited to the development and implementation of existing or proposed international and EU legislation in respect of e.g. the provision and use of port waste reception facilities, minimising waste on board ships, ship recycling, air pollution (including alternative emission abatement methods and alternative fuels), greenhouse gas emissions, ballast water management, leachates from anti fouling paints, sanctions for ship source pollution and the rules on liability and compensation


To access, collect, analyze and disseminate safety-related information on ships and their operations. Objective, reliable and relevant information is produced for the benefit of the Agency, the Commission, the Member States and the maritime community more generally. This includes developing methodological tools to enhance maritime knowledge and hence contributing to more transparency of maritime information.


4. Functions and Duties

The Project Officer for Environmental Protection will, under the responsibility of the Head of Unit B.3, be responsible for: 

  • Providing technical and scientific assistance to the Commission and the Member States for Implementation of Regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on ship recycling and in particular Title II;
  • Providing technical and scientific assistance to the Commission and the Member States for the Implementation of Directive 1999/32/EC as amended by Directive 2012/33/EU as regards the sulphur content of marine fuels and the Commission Implementing Decision laying down the rules concerning the sampling and reporting;
  • Evaluating and assessing the reports submitted by the Member States and preparing relevant analyses for the Commission on the implementation on the above-mentioned issues;
  • Participate in visits to Member States to better assess the implementation of Directive 1999/32/EC as amended and prepare relevant reports;
  • Following the on-going discussions and recent developments in IMO in particular with reference to Hong Kong Convention, MARPOL Annex VI and NOx technical code;
  • Providing technical and scientific assistance to the Unit's current work (European Sustainable Shipping Forum and related sub-groups, Ballast Water Management, Port Reception Facilities, etc.); 
  • Organising workshops and performing studies in conjunction with the relevant unit members in particular with reference to issues related to Ship Recycling, implementation of the Sulphur Directive, abatement technology, alternative fuels, etc.;
  • Representing EMSA at international meetings and conferences.


5. Eligibility and Selection Criteria


Qualifications and experience required:

A.1 Education:

  • A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four years or more, or;
  • A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years.

A.2 Experience:

  • At least three years proven professional experience acquired after the award of university diploma when the normal duration of university education is four years, or;
  • At least four years of proven professional experience acquired after the award of university diploma when the normal duration of university education is three years.

A.3 language skills:

The main working language in the field of maritime safety is English. Candidates must therefore have a very good command of oral English as well as in writing with a satisfactory knowledge of at least one other official language of the European Union to the extent necessary for the performance of the above mentioned duties.


B.1. Essential: 

  • At least three years of relevant professional experience with respect to air emissions from ships and abatement technology;
  • Proven experience in auditing/assessment/inspection/enforcement of the implementation of EU maritime legislation in the field of marine environmental protection;
  • Excellent knowledge of EU maritime legislation, policies and programmes, in relation to marine environmental protection;
  • Excellent knowledge of international maritime legislation and related IMO conventions and other relevant international regulations in relation to marine environmental protection;
  • The ability to work under pressure and to respond quickly to new demands;
  • Good sense of initiative and responsibility;
  • The ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Excellent analytical skills and the ability to evaluate reports and draft clear and concise assessments;
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft software, internet, email, etc.

B.2. Advantageous:

  • At least three years of professional experience in a Maritime Administration;
  • Knowledge of the inspection database prescribed by Directive 2009/16 and the dedicated Union information system for Sulphur Inspections and sampling;
  • Knowledge of the work and functioning of EU, IMO and other relevant international bodies.

The advantageous criteria will be considered by the Selection Board depending on the number of applicants meeting the essential criteria.

Applicants must meet the required eligibility criteria concerning the required educational qualifications and years of experience, as well as the essential criteria by the deadline for this call for applications.


6. General Conditions

In order to be eligible the candidate must:

  • Be a national of one of the Member States of the European Union or of Iceland or Norway;
  • Be entitled to your full rights as a citizen;
  • Have fulfilled the obligations imposed on you by the laws concerning military service;
  • Meet the character requirements for the duties involved and
  • Be physically fit to perform the duties linked to the post.


7. Conditions of Employment

The Project Officer for Environmental Protection will be appointed by the Executive Director, upon recommendation of the Chairman of the Selection Board.

This vacancy notice concerns a Temporary Agent position, pursuant to Article 2 f) of the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the European Communities.

The initial duration of the contract is three years, with possibility of renewal.

The successful candidate will be recruited in the grade AD 6.

The basic monthly salary, before any deductions or allowances, weighted for Lisbon, at 1 July 2012 for grade AD 6 first step is 4077.65 EUR.

In addition to the basic salary, staff members may be entitled to various allowances, such as an expatriation allowance (16% of basic salary), household allowance, dependent child allowance and education allowance. The salary is subject to a Community tax deducted at source and staff members are exempt of national taxation.

Please note that recruitment is done in the first or second step of the indicated grade, depending on the duration of the acquired professional experience. EMSA offers a comprehensive welfare package including pension scheme, medical, accident and occupational disease insurance coverage, unemployment and invalidity allowance. Further information regarding rights and conditions of employment can be found in the following document:;

Please note that in line with the Staff Regulations recruited candidates shall be required to demonstrate before their first promotion the ability to work in a third European Community language.

The place of employment is Lisbon, Portugal.

Candidates are advised that if they are offered a post, and accept, they must undergo a compulsory medical examination to establish that they meet the standard of physical fitness necessary to perform the duties involved.


8. Submission of Applications

Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EMSA website within the deadline. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) or submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

All candidates will receive an acknowledgement of receipt for their application.

EMSA is an equal opportunities employer and encourages applications from all candidates who fulfil the eligibility and selection criteria without any distinction whatsoever on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, marital status or other family situation or sexual orientation.

You may apply in any of the official languages of the European Community, but it would be helpful to apply in English in order to facilitate the selection process. However you are requested to state your educational qualifications and positions held in the language of origin.


9. The Selection Process

For each selection process a Selection Board is nominated. The selection is carried out in two phases:

1. In the first phase all eligible applications will be evaluated by the Selection Board and scored against the selection criteria. Please note that non-compliance with at least one of the essential selection criteria will result in the exclusion of the candidate from the selection process. Advantageous criteria constitute additional assets and will not result in exclusion, if not fulfilled. The advantageous criteria will be considered by the Selection Board depending on the number of applicants meeting the essential selection criteria.

On this basis, the Selection Board will invite to the interview and to the test phase the best qualified candidates (maximum of 15), on condition that they have achieved at least 60% of the highest possible score during the evaluation of applications. Should the case arise that there are various candidates scoring the same number of points in the 15th ranking, the number of candidates to be invited will be increased accordingly to accomodate this. 

2. In the second phase, the selected candidates will be invited to pass one or several written tests related to the job profile and to take part in a selection interview.

During this recruitment phase, the selected candidates will be evaluated by the Selection Board. After the interviews and tests, the Selection Board will draw up a list of the most suitable candidates to be proposed to the Appointing Authority. Only candidates receiving at least 70% of the maximum points at interview and at the test phase will be included in the list of the most suitable candidates. The Appointing Authority will select the successful candidate and decide whether to also adopt a reserve list. The successful candidates will be informed accordingly.

All candidates will receive an information letter of the outcome of their application.

Please note that a binding commitment can only be made after verification of all conditions and will take the form of a contract signed by the Executive Director.

The reserve list will remain valid for a period of 1 year following its establishment. Therefore candidates whose name will be put on a reserve list could be offered a contract during this period of time. Please note however that inclusion in the reserve list does not guarantee recruitment.

Please note that the selection process may take several months to be completed and that no information will be released during this period. Once a selection process has been completed, its status will be displayed in the e-recruitment.

Please note that once you have created your EMSA profile, any correspondence regarding your application must be sent or received via your EMSA profile.

For any prior enquiry, please refer to the FAQ (Frequently asked questions) section, or send an e-mail torecruitment<στο>

Requests for information and appeal: 

An applicant who would like further information, or considers that he/she has grounds for complaint concerning a particular decision may, at any point in the selection procedure, request further information from the Chairperson of the Selection Board. 
For information on how to lodge a complaint and/or an appeal procedure, please consult the ‘General Information for Recruitment’ overview on our website for more information: