DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP : ECRA Academic Chair – PhD Thesis Subject: “Study of the potential of different CO2 conversion options for the application of Carbon Capture and Re-use the cement industry: simulation and technico-economic analysis

Two PhD theses are already undergoing in the framework of the ECRA Chair:
- the first one is focusing on the CO2 capture and purification processes applied to cement flue gases, both through experimental and simulation works;
- the second one is focusing on the optimization of the CO2 catalytic conversion into methanol, especially on the experimental study of the effect of flue gas impurities on the CO2 conversion process.

The purpose of the newly proposed PhD thesis is to evaluate, in parallel of the CO2 conversion into methanol already considered into the ECRA Chair, the potential of other options for the re-use of CO2 captured from cement plants.

This theme will be a real valuable addition to the on-going activities in the reuse field of the ECRA Chair. The cement industry is aware that also other reuse routes could be an interesting alternative to the production of renewable methanol and it is looking for a study about the associated technical and economical boundary conditions.


In the context of the ECRA Chair « From CO2 to Energy: Carbon Capture in Cement Production and its Re-use » at the Faculty of Engineering (FPMs) of UMONS, related to the study of CO2 capture applied to cement industry and its conversion into valuable compounds such as methane or methanol, previous studies presented in the different ECRA (European Cement Research Academy) reports highlighted that two CO2 capture processes can be applied in cement plant: post-combustion and oxy-fuel combustion.

These two CO2 capture technologies can also be combined in an hybrid system combining a partial oxy-fuel combustion (O2 enrichment of the air used for the combustion) and a post-combustion CO2 capture by a conventional process such as absorption-regeneration one.

Once the CO2 captured, it must be purified (de-dust, de-SOx, de-NOx, etc.) before being reused for its conversion into a valuable compound, the focus being currently put on the conversion into methane or methanol.

The purpose of the newly proposed PhD thesis is to evaluate, in parallel of the CO2 conversion into methanol already considered into the ECRA Chair, the potential of other options for the re-use of CO2 captured from cement plants.

The PhD thesis will include the following tasks:
- detailed bibliographic review on the different CO2 conversion options (synthetic fuels, chemical building blocks, mineralization, etc.) and on the optimization methods previously applied to other industries (for example power plants) and to other CO2 valorization methods;
- methodological selection of maximum 2 or 3 more interesting CO2 conversion routes based on: technical aspects, economical aspects, energetical aspects, environmental aspects, market considerations, and also taking into account the specificities linked to the cement industry such as the CO2 quantity to convert;
- simulation (using adequate tools) of one or several CO2 conversion route(s) in order to obtain relevant technico-economical indicators and parameters for completing a life cycle assessment (LCA);
- application of optimization methods 

During the PhD thesis, several exchanges will be necessary with internal collaborators (other PhD students, post-docs, etc.) and also with external collaborators such as ECRA members, other universities or research organisms, etc.

Applications (CV + motivation letter showing the adequacy with the requested profile) should be sent to:

Prof. Diane THOMAS:; +32 (0) 65 37 44 04 
Dr Lionel DUBOIS:; +32 (0) 65 37 44 06

ECRA Academic Chair
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department 
Faculty of Engineering (FPMs) – University of Mons (UMONS) 
56, rue de l’Epargne
7000 Mons – BELGIUM

The PhD Thesis (4 years) is expected to start between May and September 2015.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Engineering - Chemical engineering

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


The candidate will be hosted in a nice working environment under a challenging job at a dynamic and ambitious University. Salaries are in accordance with the internal University agreement and consists of 1875 €/month (net amount).

Comment/web site for additional job details


Required Research Experiences
Main Research FieldEngineering
Sub Research FieldSimulation engineering
Required Languages
Language LevelExcellent
Required Education Level
Degree FieldEngineering
Additional Requirements
Other skills: Writing skills, good interpersonal and communication skills, rigor, conciseness and motivation with knowledge on simulation/modeling tools (such as ASPEN, ProTreat) and/or life cycle assessment (such as SimaPro LCA) will be highly appreciated.
Required Education Level
DegreeMaster Degree or equivalent
Required Research Experiences
Years of Research Experience1
Additional Requirements
Education: Candidates must hold a Master degree (5-years duration) in Chemical engineering/Chemistry or fields (such as industrial chemistry, mechanical/ environmental engineering, …) with a strong interest in energy, process engineering and optimization.
Languages: A good knowledge of English is required, both oral and written; a knowledge of French would be an asset.

Application Deadline


Application e-mail

Envisaged Job Starting Date
