DPhil Studentship : Oxford, United Kingdom

The Ludwig Cancer Research is an international non-profit research organisation dedicated to preventing and controlling cancer. Ludwig combines basic research with the ability to translate its discoveries and conduct clinical trials to accelerate the development of new cancer diagnostics and therapies. The Ludwig Cancer Research Oxford Branch, is based within the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Oxford. The overall aim of the Oxford branch is to translate basic discoveries into the clinic for the benefit of patients, with their research helping to aid in the future diagnosis of cancer and the design of more effective, individualised treatments. The Oxford Branch under the leadership of Professor Xin Lu, benefits from excellent research links not only from Ludwig globally but also with the local Oxford research community.

We are currently seeking applications for fully funded four year DPhil Studentships commencing October 2015. Applicants are expected to be predicted or to have achieved a first-class or an upper second class undergraduate degree (or equivalent international qualifications) as a minimum in a relevant discipline. Successful students will have the opportunity to undertake a PhD project in a world class research environment at the University of Oxford and will receive an annual bursary of £18,000 as well as funding for University and College fees at the EU/home rate.

Available projects:

“Functional genomics meets chemical biology: Uncovering and understanding synthetic lethal interactions in cancer” – Dr Sebastian Nijman

“Manipulating hypoxia signalling to influence (cancer) stem cell behaviour” – Prof Chris Pugh and Prof Sir Peter Ratcliffe

“Assessing the influence of hypoxia signalling on the anti-tumour immune response” – Prof Chris Pugh and Prof Sir Peter Ratcliffe

“Artificial Intelligence for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy” – Prof Jens Rittscher and Prof Xin Lu

“Hypoxia signaling in proliferation (and cancer): a balance between HIF-2 and HIF-1” – Prof Sir Peter Ratcliffe and Dr Tammie Bishop

“Assessing the translational landscape of tumour cells in hypoxia by ribosome profiling” – Prof Sir Peter Ratcliffe and Dr Matthew E Cockman

“Hypoxia pathways in kidney cancer” – Dr David Mole and Prof Sir Peter Ratcliffe

How to apply:

For full details of our DPhil projects and how to apply please visit our website.www.ludwig.ox.ac.uk/studying-at-ludwig-cancer-research-oxford-branch
The closing date for applications is midnight on Tuesday 5th May.

Don't forget to mention Naturejobs when applying.

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