Scientific Programmer - Bioinformatics


We are looking for an experienced scientific programmer/system developer, preferably with previous experience from bioinformatics and data analysis from high-throughput sequencing. The tasks will include development work to improve our methods and tools for analyzing big data primarily from sequencing DNA and RNA with Illumina Hiseq instruments.

You will be working with the latest technologies in the field, often in form of collaborations before market release, and the latest methods from sample preparation to data analysis. We work in teams where both lab and bioinformatics work together to set up the latest state-of-the art workflows to support and enable genomics research all over Sweden. You will lead projects to develop our systems for data analysis.

More information
More information about the employment can be provided by Sverker Lundin ( More details about the research activities at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and Science for Life Laboratory can be found at and

To submit an application, please click the "Apply through website" button and follow the application procedure.


  • Master degree within computer science or bioinformatics, or alternatively molecular biology/biotechnology with focus on computation, or equivalent documented competence.
  • Documented experience from similar work with systems programming
  • Solid understanding of programming e.g. Python, Perl, Java, C/C++
  • Extensive experience with working in a linux/unix environment
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
  • Excellent skills in spoken and written english
  • We are looking for someone that is thorough, independent and reliable


Science for Life Laboratory,, is a national center for large-scale life science research with an advanced technological infrastructure. Much research at SciLifeLab is multidisciplinary and focused around DNA sequencing, gene expression analysis, proteomics, bioinformatics, biostatistics and system biology. The aim is to enable Swedish researchers to analyze genes, transcripts and proteins in different organisms in order to map molecular mechanisms related to health and environment. Some examples of research areas that currently are conducted within SciLifeLab are clinical genomics/proteomics, cancer genomics and complex disease genomics as well as ecological and environment centered genomics. Bioinformatics and systems biology are central activities within the center and a substantial part of the researchers at SciLifeLab are involved in these areas.

The National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) at Science for Life Laboratory is a national resource that enables large-scale sequencing and analysis of sequencing data to external users. The Genomics Applications facility of NGI Stockholm ensures that the latest applications and development in the field can be made available to the users of the infrastructure.

Reference number: SU FV-0943-15