PhD Scholarships in Business and Law, Northumbria University, UK (2015)

Northumbria University are offering several doctoral studentships affiliated with both Newcastle Business School and the Northumbria Law School.

Having recently been awarded Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB international) double accreditation in business and accounting, the Newcastle Business School is part of an elite group of less than 1% of business schools worldwide. Whilst in the Research Excellence Framework 2014, Northumbria Law School was the most improved Law School in the UK in terms of Internationally Recognised research provision.

These studentships will be supported by existing research strengths in the University, developing knowledge with the potential to inform and shape policy and professional practice.
- A critical analysis of the place of law in the search for sustainable development in small island developing states and/or least developed states
- Broadband infrastructures: collaborative models and state investment
- Character and Self-Understanding in the Circus Industry
- Community Cohesion & Regional Economic Development: Parallel Roads or Congruent Paths?
- Forensic Evidence and Prosecution Process Attrition in the Criminal Justice Systems of the UK.
- Identifying the gap between perceived good practice in corporate responsibility (CR) reporting from a preparers perspective.
- Innovative ecosystems – new services and organisational forms
- Law and Sex(uality): (Re)thinking Policing Sex
- Recover the full value of remanufacturing via supply chain network re-configuration
- Social work at the family court interface
- Strategic Modelling of Telehealthcare Systems as a means of Integrating Health and Social care
- Sustainable Development: Contradictions and Pathways
- The impact of public procurement on local economies in times of post-crisis
- The role of clinic in times of austerity: comparative European perspectives
- Time for a new agenda for children’s rights?
- Towards a New Defence for Brainwashed Defendants

Opportunities may also available in be available in other areas and the University would welcome outline proposals

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Παρασκευή, Μάιος 1, 2015