10 fully-funded Engineering Doctorate studentships available in Animation, Games and Visual Effects

Centre for Digital Entertainment

An EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre


Early application for an October 2015 start is strongly advised.

The ESPRC doctoral training Centre for Digital Entertainment (CDE) is seeking candidates of academic excellence to undertake fully-funded research in computer games, animation, visual effects, and other topics in the graphics/vision area. Candidates may register at the University of Bath or at Bournemouth University.

These four-year doctoral studentships provide:

  • In the first year, a tax-free stipend of £15,226
  • An enhancement to around £19,500 per year tax-free during the 3 company years
  • Tuition fees, worth approximately £3,900 per year
  • Generous funding of around £10,000 for conferences, travel and equipment
  • Additional funding for all students to attend our cohort events and create their own

We offer a unique programme starting with a fully-structured taught first year. This includes Master Classes from our company experts, with courses such as computer animation and games, visual effects, machine learning and AI and a growing emphasis on research as the year unfolds. You will then move to the research team of one of our cutting-edge companies for three years, to research towards their next-generation projects. You will learn a great deal about the industry and emerge with a CV that no conventional research student can match.

Our students are always looking for new things to get involved with. They take part in games jams, summer schools and international conferences, recently including group trips to Calabria, Vancouver, Paris, Hong Kong, Anaheim and Toronto. Students can pitch their research ideas to leading computer games, animation and visual effects companies. We also support development of entrepreneurial and management skills.

Our 50 current students are in companies such as Electronic Arts, Double Negative Visual Effects, Disney Research, The National Trust, Ninja Theory, Natural Motion, Wonky Films, Think Research and many more.

All applications are assessed on both your research potential and academic excellence.

You will need a strong first degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or related subjects. Excellent technical ability and programming skills are essential.

You must be a citizen of the UK/European Union; or be able to prove you have "indefinite leave to remain" in the UK.