Waste engineering: Developing solar sludge drying beds in Bangladesh

University of Bath

The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Decarbonisation of the Built Environment (dCarb) has been launched to address this challenge and carry out multidisciplinary research into the design and creation of zero-carbon technologies that will potentially transform the future of our built environment (see alsohttp://www.bath.ac.uk/ace/pg-research/cdt-decarbonisation/). Applications are invited for the October 2015 cohort.

The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE) at the University of Bath was ranked equal first in the UK out of 45 submissions to Sub-Panel C16 Architecture, Built Environment and Planning in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework. In ACE's REF submission, 50% of its research was judged to be 4* (internationally leading) and 90% of its research impact was judged to be 4* (outstanding). The successful applicant to this project will therefore be joining a Department that undertakes and supports world-class research.

Project information

In rural areas within Bangladesh, human waste (faecal sludge) from latrines and septic tanks is routinely emptied, untreated, into the local environment. Buro Happold Engineering, a global consultancy based in Bath, has developed innovative solar sludge-drying beds to treat faecal sludge at a pilot site in Bangladesh. The drying beds are a low-carbon solution which uses no electrical power and can be built with minimal construction skills and from local materials.

The performance of the solar drying beds is affected by the ambient weather (solar radiation, humidity, temperature) and the material properties of the faecal sludge are currently not well understood. Therefore there is some uncertainty as to how the solution will perform during different seasons, at other locations across Bangladesh, and/or in other countries.

This project will use laboratory testing of faecal sludge to improve our understanding of its mechanical properties and drying behaviour. A drying model will be developed to compare with field measurements and to assess the performance of the solar drying beds. Results from this project will enable engineers to optimise the design and management of waste treatment facilities.

The project would suit a candidate with knowledge and practical experience in environmental science, engineering in developing countries and/or civil engineering. Applicants should be numerate and have a 1st class or upper 2nd class honours first degree in Engineering or the Physical Sciences. The candidate must be able to work independently, build new links with external organisations and work well with others.

Background information related to this project can be found here: http://practicalaction.org/faecal-sludge-management-bangladesh


Interested applicants should contact Dr Kevin Briggs (K.M.Briggs<στο>bath.ac.uk) or Dr Lee Bryant (L.Bryant<στο>bath.ac.uk) by email. Suitable applicants will be directed to an online application form. 

Interviews will be held at the University of Bath on a rolling basis, up until July 2015. 

For further information about the studentship applicants should contact:

Dr Kevin Briggs (K.M.Briggs<στο>bath.ac.uk)

Dr Lee Bryant (L.Bryant<στο>bath.ac.uk)

Funding Notes:

Home or EU tuition fees paid in full for three years 
• Annual stipend of £14,000 (2015/16 rate) for living expenses 
• training support grant of £1,000 per year (for travel, consumables, etc.) 
This studentship is part of our EPSRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training (http://www.bath.ac.uk/ace/pg-research/cdt-decarbonisation/). 
