System engineer for optical instrumentation

Under the supervision of experienced Project Managers, you work as a team member and contribute to the design and development of multiple aerospace & industrial projects.


Under the supervision of experienced Project Managers, you work as a team member and contribute to the design and development of multiple aerospace & industrial projects.

In the frame of multidisciplinary projects, you are in charge of building up of systems architectures, including the definition of interfaces. You ensure that the different selected components form a coherent system able to perform as expected in the targeted environment.

You review the optical designs, you select opto-electronic components and you make the link with mechanical designers.

You develop tests and verification setups based on dedicated or laboratory equipment.

You take economic aspects into account while developing industrial solutions, being therefore in relation with suppliers for technical specifications and requests for quotations.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Engineering - Systems engineering
Engineering - Aerospace engineering

Career Stage

Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


Required Languages
Language LevelGood
Language LevelExcellent
Required Education Level
Degree FieldEngineering
Additional Requirements
You hold a Master degree in engineering.
You have some experience in optics, preferably with practical abilities.
You quickly understand physics issues and make the link with measurement outcome.
You are able to automatize the measurements chain with Labview or equivalent high level SW environment. You are able to understand the essence of the measurements and interpret the data e.g. with Matlab.
You have minimal engineering skills in electronics. 
You are able to build complex systems.
You have manual abilities for assembling prototypes.
You easily integrate in a multidisciplinary team and you can organize your work efficiently in order to supply your deliverables according to planning.
You have a very good command of English.
Required Education Level
DegreeMaster Degree or equivalent

Application Deadline


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