Postdoctoral Fellow in Negotiation Engineering (80-100%)

Department of Management, Technology and Economics, Chair of Negotiation and Conflict Management (NECOM) has an opening for a

Postdoctoral Fellow in Negotiation Engineering (80-100%)

The NECOM chair is part of the Department of Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC) at ETH Zurich. The chair’s main focus is on interdisciplinary theoretical and applied research in the field of negotiation and conflict management/resolution. We develop and employ models to analyze negotiation processes and practical decision-making in conflict situations. Directions of our research include: Negotiation framework in Switzerland; Negotiation Engineering;  Application of negotiation models in practice.

The applicant should hold a Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) in engineering, mathematics, physics, economics or political science (with emphasis on mathematical modeling). The applicant should have an interest in international relations and/or Swiss foreign policies. We are looking for motivated candidates capable of creative research in a rapidly changing field of science.
The applicant is expected to conduct research independently and as a part of the NECOM research project team. The position includes active contribution to the Chair’s teaching activities. Excellent command of English and German is required. The position is open from the 1 June 2015. Salary will be in accordance with ETH Zurich standards.

Applicants must submit the following documents: Curriculum Vitae; Motivation letter describing scholarly and practical background and specific research interests; University transcripts of records (with a description of the grading system); One or two academic references; Samples of written work: A copy of Doctoral Dissertation (i.e. Ph.D. thesis) and/or academic papers.

Please address your inquiries to Dr. Vitalijs Butenko vbutenko<στο> (no application).

Please apply for the position by sending all necessary documents electronically through the link below (with attention to ETH Zurich, Mr. Hans-Jörg Tschachtli, Human Resources, 8092 Zürich).