Postdoctoral Position - Geological Engineering


Job description
The Post doc employment is for up to three years. The successful candidate will be assigned to implement a three-year research project financed by the government-owned TaiPower Company, aiming at developing a numerical scheme for simulating fluid flow and solute transport in discrete fracture networks (DFNs). In addition, numerical techniques for upscaling DFN to equivalent porous medium will be included. Depending on the project needs, field work for collecting fracture data may be necessary. Writing progress reports and scientific papers are also needed. During the term of appointment, the employed post doc shall comply with the service regulations stipulated by the principal investigator and the National Chung Cheng University.

Desired skills and experience
Young scientists with a PhD degree in geoscience, mathematics, engineering, or related fields are welcome. Candidates need to have profound training in groundwater hydrology, statistics, and numerical simulation. More importantly, candidates should be familiar with programming, particularly in Fortran. Candidates with experience in DFN simulator (e.g., FracMan) or continuum simulator (e.g., TOUGH2) are preferred. In order to communicate with different people in this project, candidates with basic language skills in Chinese will be a plus.

About the employer
Led by Dr. Tai-Sheng Liou, groundwater Simulation Laboratory of National Chung Cheng University (CCU) in Taiwan is a research laboratory that targets on the mechanistic understanding of fluid flow and solute transport phenomena in discrete fracture networks (DFNs). Using analytical solutions and numerical simulations, Dr. Liou has applied his expertise in the fields of final disposal of spent nuclear fuels, numerical simulations of discrete fracture network, and geological carbon sequestration.

As a research-oriented University, CCU aims to provide students with the advanced skills and profound knowledge in the fields of humanities, sciences, technology, law, and management. With the education of liberal arts and sciences, CCU expects students learn to effectively deal with the complexity of challenges of the 21st century.


1. Applicants who already have a Ph.D. degree in geoscience (hydrogeology, hydrology, geostatistics), mathematics (applied mathematics, statistics), engineering (civil engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering), or;
2. Ph. D candidates with the above fields of expertise who are expected to be graduated before April 2015. A signed letter of approval of graduation from the thesis advisor is needed.

Salary and benefits:
1. The salary standard follows the regulation set by Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology, including health insurance and an annual bonus up to 1.5-month salary.
2. Days off from work include Saturdays and Sundays, national holidays, and Chinese Lunar New Year holidays. Other day-offs will follow the regulations stipulated by National Chung Cheng University.

Application materials:
1. Curriculum vitae
2. A copy of the Ph. D. degree credential or letter of approval of graduation
3. Reprints of no more than three representative papers
4. Two letters of recommendation
5. Contact information

Please submit the above materials to Dr. Liou by using the APPLY button, before Apr. 30, 2015. Please use the email title: “PostDoc application – your name”