Technical Specialist in Information and Database Management, and GIS Support

ETH Zurich is one of the leading universities of the world with a strong focus on science and engineering. In 2011 it established the Singapore‐ETH Centre (SEC) in collaboration with the National research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore to do interdisciplinary research on pressing problems. In collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), the National University of Singapore (NUS), the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and Singapore Management University (SMU), SEC is undertaking a research programme on “Future Resilient Systems”, providing an opportunity for about 40 PhD students and 25 PostDoc researchers to get a PhD degree and/or to strengthen their research skills in an inspiring cross‐disciplinary research environment. Within this framework we are announcing the following job opening. Workplace is Singapore.

Technical Specialist in Information and Database Management, and GIS Support

This Technical Specialist position is part of module 2.1 on “Assessing and Measuring Energy System Resilience” of the FRS program. The comprehensive framework for Comparative Risk Assessment (CRA) that has been developed and continuously updated and extended by the Technology Assessment group at PSI over the past 20 years strongly relies on databases and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Your work will include the following tasks: Management and programming as well as development of new applications for the databases and GIS‐based tools used in CRA. | Technical support of local risk assessment team, including PhDs and Postdocs. | Involvement in content updates of PSI’s Energy‐ Related Severe Accident Database (ENSAD). | Technical coordination and programming of new a new interactive and web‐ based “ENSAD 2.0” version. | Contributions to the development of multi‐criteria decision analysis (MCDA) modules as part of ENSAD 2.0.

We are expecting good skills in geographic information systems (GIS) including programming (e.g. Python, php, Javascript, WMS, WPS, GML/XML, Geoserver, p.mapper, etc.), and database management and programming. | Additional capabilities developing and implementing MCDA methods, and programming of GUIs is an asset. | Some knowledge of risk assessment and energy technologies as well as their embedment in the larger context of energy security would be an advantage. | High motivation to provide technical support to CRA activities. | Good team player willing to integrate in large multi‐disciplinary research program. | Dedicated to high quality of work, well‐structured and organized, able to meet multiple deadlines. | Good communicating skills.

Our candidate has a Master degree in natural, engineering or computer sciences. Very good command of English (spoken and written).

For further information (no applications) please contact: Dr. Peter Burgherr by e-mail:peter.burgherr<στο>

We look forward to receiving your application. Please submit your personal records (letter of motivation, CV, testimonials and the contact information of two referees) via the online application portal on ETH zürich job portal ( by clicking the button «apply now» with attention to: ETH Zurich, Mr. Olivier Meyrat, Human Resources, CH‐8092 Zürich. Application deadline: until position is filled.

Applications via e-mail cannot be considered!