Postdoctoral Positions in Fluid Turbulence, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany (2015-2016)

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization at Göttingen, Germany, is an international research institute. It performs both experimental and theoretical fundamental scientific research and currently employs about 250 people.

At the Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics, Pattern Formation and Biocomplexity led by Prof. Eberhard Bodenschatz, we offer a number of Postdoctoral researcher positions (m/f) within the areas of "Fundamentals of Fluid Turbulence" and "Particle-Turbulence Interactions", starting immediately or at the earliest convenience.

The position
We are looking to fill a number of newly vacant positions within the unit investigating the physics of turbulent flows and particle-turbulence interactions both in laboratory and field settings. The current projects include performing Lagrangian measurements of the cloud turbulence at a research station near the summit of Zugspitze mountain, quantitative measurements of the energy transfer from large to small scales in isotropic turbulence, and the investigation of turbulence decay at very large Reynolds numbers in a unique wind tunnel. The researchers will have the opportunity to further develop ongoing projects, or identify and pursue new research directions. The work will entail design and development of experimental set-ups, data acquisition with state-of-the-art high-speed cameras, image processing, development of efficient data processing algorithms and probing theoretical understanding of the experimental results.

Our offer
The Postdoctoral position is limited to two years with the possibility of extension. Salary is in accordance with the German state public service salary scale (TVöD-Bund and TV EntgO-Bund) and the accordant social benefits, or through a fellowship awarded by the Max Planck Society.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Πέμπτη, Απρίλιος 30, 2015