Eleven (11) PhD Scholarships in Ocean Science, Canada (2015-2016)

A minimum standard of quality (A- in the last two years) is considered. Exceptions will only be made for candidates with other outstanding qualifications or justification. We do not accept students if their interests and project do not match the TOSST program objectives or if the statement of interest is unconvincing. The TOSST program considers applicants with educational backgrounds in physical, chemical, biological and geological sciences, marine technology and marine management.

We strongly encourage student candidates who have already received financial support from external sources to apply to TOSST. This guideline extends to students who are already attending university, but who have not yet started or defined their project (i.e. generally, those who are within their 1st year) and those already in the program. Incentives will be offered to students (or supervisors) who raise their own external financial support (e.g., either higher stipend and/or some additional travel support).

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τρίτη, Ιούνιος 30, 2015