IPhD Sustainable Infrastructure Systems CDT: A security-minded approach to the design, implementation and operation of smart systems in railway infrastructure

University of Southampton - Sustainable Infrastructure Systems, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment

Deadline: Applications will be accepted at any time until the position is filled.

As part of the creation of the Internet of Things (IoT) there is increasing deployment of sensor networks to monitor the use, performance and condition of physical infrastructure. The data from these sensor networks will be used for smart asset management purposes and may be used for control and integration purposes both within the rail network and in the wider built environment.

There are potential security risks associated with these developments both in terms of the integrity of the sensor networks and the potential for data aggregation (whether by association or accumulation) to undermine the security of the network. The project will need to consider the developments in sensor networks and identify the steps that need to be taken to deploy an appropriately secure solution. This is likely to involve consideration of the following 8 facets of the system’s design, implementation and operation:

Confidentiality, Possession, Availability, Safety, Resilience, Integrity, Utility and Authenticity.

The outcome of this research is expected to be advice for use by Government, Regulators and the industry on the engineering and operational principles that need to be applied to deliver a security-minded and trustworthy approach.

If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Dr Tom Cherrett (T.J.Cherrett<στο>soton.ac.uk).

This integrated PhD project will be funded through the Center for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Infrastructure Systems http://cdt-sis.soton.ac.uk. The studentship comprises support from both EPSRChttp://www.epsrc.ac.uk and an industrial sponsor.
