PhD - Control and Stability of Future Power Systems with up to 100% Renewable Generation

The University of Manchester - EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Power Networks

Control and stability of future power systems with up to 100% renewable generation

Institution: University of Manchester

Dept/School/Faculty: EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Power Networks

PhD Supervisor: Dr R Preece

Application Deadline: Applications accepted all year round

Funding Availability: Funded PhD Project (European/UK Students Only)

Supporting company:

Supervising academics:
Dr Robin Preece 

Student background required: 
Interested students should have either electrical engineering, physics, or computer science degrees with good mathematics skills. 

Benefit to / Impact on Industry: 
In recent years, changes in the energy sector have been driven by a strong growing use of renewable sources, in particular wind and solar energy. Simultaneously, there is a strong trend of phasing out of existing conventional power plants. This rapidly changing generation mix is resulting in decreasing system inertia which requires advanced control solutions to maintain system frequency during disturbances. 

What novelty will the student base their PhD on? 
There is currently little work on transmission systems operating with low (or no) inertia. The increase in penetration of renewable energy resources and international interconnectors is creating frequency regulation challenges, but also provides fast controllability which could be exploited to solve those challenges – this trade-off needs investigation and will be extremely novel. 

Project overview: 
Traditional electricity generation uses fuels like coal and gas to make large turbines spin. These systems have large amounts of mechanical inertia which helps to keep the electrical system frequency stable and the system secure and operational. As power systems integrate larger amounts of renewable energy, these power plants are being replaced by low (or no) inertia systems (there is no inertia in a solar cell). This means that maintain a constant steady frequency (which is vital) requires fast active control. As the number of renewable energy sources increases (potentially up to 100%), we will need to completely rethink the way system frequency is regulated and controlled. This project will identify the problems that will occur and develop mitigation strategies to enable secure and safe system operation – ensuring maximum possible renewable energy usage and informing national policy decisions about the future design of the electricity network. 

Outline of Proposed Project Plan: 
Year 1: Taught courses and preparatory study 
Year 2: The second year will focus on developing typical network models for transmission systems with increasing levels of renewable energy source penetration (up to 100%). A wide variety of simulation will then be performed in order to characterise the system response and identify the risks to system security. 
Year 3: Year 3 will focus on control design to mitigate the problems identified during the Year 2 studies. This will take the form of extensions to traditional hierarchical frequency control schemes, as well as new control designs focussed on distributed localised control. Potential schemes will be thoroughly evaluated. 
Year 4: In the final year, the research will focus on the trade-off between the decrease in system inertia and the increase in controllability on system frequency regulation brought about by increased renewable penetration. Recommendations about optimal system configurations and control schemes will be made. 

Funding Notes:

This project is funded by EPSRC, the University of Manchester and our Industry partners. Funding is available to UK candidates. EU candidates are also eligible if they have been studying or working continuously in the UK for three or more years (prior to the start date of the programme). The successful candidates will have their fees paid in full and will receive an enhanced maintenance stipend. 

See here for information on how to apply and entry requirements:
