PhD - ‘Electric Cities’: Exploring the Impacts of Electrification of Energy Services

The University of Manchester - EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Power Networks

‘Electric Cities’: exploring the impacts of electrification of energy services

Institution: University of Manchester

Dept/School/Faculty: EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Power Networks

PhD Supervisor: Dr S Mander

Application Deadline: Applications accepted all year round

Funding Availability: Funded PhD Project (European/UK Students Only)

Student background required: 

The project is suitable to students from a variety of backgrounds, although the ability to work with both qualitative and quantitative approaches is essential. The student must have an interest in working with stakeholders. 

Benefit to / Impact on Industry: 
The project will explore the impacts at a range of scales of electrification, focusing particularly on assessing alternative transition pathways and key decision points. 

What novelty will the student base their PhD on? 
The student will develop qualitative and quantitative scenarios for electrification of energy services, and develop a framework to explore the consequences of alternative transition pathways. 

Project overview: 
The Climate Change Act (2008) requires that the UK meet a series of tightening emissions budgets with the end goal of a very low carbon economy. Decarbonisation of electricity is an effective way of reducing emissions in general; renewable supply technologies with very low associated emissions are available now and are compatible with existing infrastructure. Presently, heating and road transport are responsible for more than half of UK carbon dioxide emissions and have risen in absolute and proportional terms, since 1990, so it seems highly likely that in the medium term electricity, supplied through a central grid or micro-generation, will be required to play a major role in these sectors. 

Taking the Greater Manchester City region as a case study, this PhD project aims to explore the impact of ‘electric cities’ on UK electricity networks. 

Outline Proposed Project Plan: 
Year 1: Taught courses and preparatory study 
Year 2: Work with local stakeholders to develop scenarios for the electrification of Greater Manchester encompassing changes in energy demand and degree of penetration of micro generation 
Year 3: Explore the impact of an ‘electric UK’ on the transmission and distribution networks (both for electricity and potentially for gas) 
Year 4: Work with stakeholders to develop pathways for a transition to an ‘electric UK’, taking into consideration how network infrastructure will change over time and identifying key decisions which may lock the UK into (or out of) a low carbon pathway

Funding Notes:

This project is funded by EPSRC, the University of Manchester and our Industry partners. Funding is available to UK candidates. EU candidates are also eligible if they have been studying or working continuously in the UK for three or more years (prior to the start date of the programme). The successful candidates will have their fees paid in full and will receive an enhanced maintenance stipend. 

See here for information on how to apply and entry requirements:
