Web Designer/Junior Web Developer

Job category:Marketing
Mailing details : 
Company name:BullionCapital
Address:Alexandrias 2-4 Bridge tower,Office 101, CY-3503 Limassol,Cyprus.
Contact person:Andrew
E-mail address:andrew.angeli<στο>bullioncapital.com
Position details: 
Job title :Web Designer/Junior Web Developer
Job description:Role:
-> Create web design layouts for landing pages for the Marketing team
-> Provide Customer Support for clients using existing Javascript based Trading platforms
-> Assist in managing content of company websites effectively
-> Assist Web development team with creating designs and developing php code additions to existing websites
-> Constantly learn and implement the latest web design/javascript/jquery/php technologies

Skills Required:
--> Ability to accurately translate/convert flat image designs into pure html/CSS3 designs with minimal graphics 
-> Good Communication skills and ability to work in a team
-> Ability to visualise existing concepts/ideas and materialise them into professional page layouts.
-> Good working knowledge of the core web graphics tools (Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, InDesign) and designing responsive graphics.
-> Experience with working on CMS systems
-> Good working Knowledge of HTML, Php, Javascript,Jquery, CSS3
-> Experience and familiarity with the latest Jquery,Javascript libraries and frameworks
-> Ability to develop php/jquery/angular additions to existing websites
-> Ability to Single-handedly develop static web pages from concept to production.

Additional Skills:
-> Proven working knowledge of anglularJS and node is a plus
Number of persons required:1
Qualifications required:-> Bachelors Degree in Computer Science/Web Design or any other relevant field
-> 2-3 years experience as a Junior Web Developer/Web Designer
-> Previous experience in a similar position, preferably within the financial Industry
-> Excellent written and verbal skills in English
Other requirements:N/A
Employment conditions:Full Time