PhD Positions for the “European Joint Doctorate” programme CLEAN-Gas, Europe (2015)

CLEAN-Gas is a “European Joint Doctorate” programme for highly motivated young scientists. The network is funded by the European Community through the Horizon 2020 Actions.
The scientific goal of CLEAN-Gas is to develop new experimental and numerical tools for improving natural gas combustion in innovative burners.

CLEAN-Gas Project, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, is based on a strong collaboration between the public and the private sector and will combine local expert training at each academic and industrial partner, a network-wide secondment scheme, and an intense series of seminars, workshops and schools.

Employment conditions:
The contract will last 36 months.
The gross salary for all ESR (PhD) positions is around 38000 €/year plus a mobility allowance of about 600 €/month and a family allowance of about 500 €/month, where applicable.
Each ESR will have to complete at least one secondment (temporary transfer to another CLEAN-Gas academic partner) for a total period of about 10 months during the term of his/her employment.

Eligible ESR candidates may be of any nationality but must not, at the time of recruitment have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of their host organization for more than 12 months in the last 3 years immediately prior to the reference date.
ESR Candidates must be in the first four years of their research careers and have not yet been awarded a PhD.
The Candidates must hold a M.Sc. Degree by the starting date of the fellowship, in one of the following areas: Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Applied Mathematics.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Κυριακή, Απρίλιος 19, 2015