El-Hibri Foundation Peace Education Master Scholarships, U.S.A. (2015)

The El-Hibri Foundation offers peace education scholarships to graduate students with demonstrated commitment to the field of peace education and conflict transformation. Three $5,000 scholarships will be awarded in 2015.

What is Peace Education?

We define peace education broadly. In our view, it encompasses a range of activities undertaken in a variety of settings designed to build peaceful communities:
• In formal school settings, peace education addresses how teachers teach and what they teach. Peace education curricula focus on conflict analysis, conflict transformation, peacebuilding and skills associated with the non-violent resolution of conflict. It considers how violent conflict begins and ends and how it affects individuals, social groups and societies. Peace education advances a vision of wellbeing based on respect for human dignity, human differences and human rights.

• In informal (non-school) community settings, peace education raises awareness about the causes of conflict, identifies appropriate interventions and builds practical skills relating to the management, resolution or transformation of conflict. Some approaches to community peacebuilding are based on models of reconciliation, social reconstruction or social justice. Peace education strives to make the non-violent resolution of conflict and the appreciation of different cultural norms widely embraced.

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Παρασκευή, Σεπτέμβριος 4, 2015