Fully funded CASE PhD available: Materials Chemistry & Mineralogy Fracking and crack healing: chemical control of fractures

University of Strathclyde - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Start date: Flexible.

Closing date for applications: 23rd April 2015. Early application strongly advised.

A fully funded EPSRC CASE PhD scholarship is available within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. The project is also an active collaboration with the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences (SIPBS). This CASE award PhD project combines an industrial focus, through collaboration and financial support from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), with cutting edge research at University of Strathclyde. This PhD would best suit a graduate with a good first degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, geochemistry, physics or materials science.

The focus of this PhD is on understanding how surface chemistry controls fracture behaviour, stability and healing. Mineral stability will be explored at the nanoscale using atomic force microscopy (AFM), an exciting technique capable of looking at mineral growth and dissolution in real time and in realistic environments. The mechanical effects of chemical alteration will be quantified using high energy X-ray diffraction.

This project is part of a multi-University consortium with international partners in Europe, China and Brazil. There is scope for the successful applicant to visit partner laboratories under this scheme if the applicant wishes.

This is an experimental PhD and would suit someone with a chemical background who is comfortable working in a laboratory environment. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has recently moved into new state of the art laboratories with integrated facilities for advanced microbiology, analytical chemistry, structural and geomechanics research.

The project is co-supervised by the Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences (SIPBS) which also host new AFM and surface science facilities.

The successful candidate will be able to spend time at the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority or National Nuclear Laboratory, working in an industrial context.

EPSRC studentships: Candidates must be UK/EU nationals according to EPSRC rules.

Candidates should hold a an upper second class or first class honours degree or equivalent in chemical engineering, physics, materials science, chemistry, geochemistry or mineralogy. The studentship will cover all UK fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of £13,726 per annum (paid monthly) for 3.5 years plus an extra £1K per annum (tax free, every year for 3 years) of industrial support.

Applications (CV and covering letter) should be sent to Ms Lisa Lyons (lisa.lyons<στο>strath.ac.uk) and Dr Hamilton (andrea.hamilton<στο>strath.ac.uk)
