PhD Studentship: Advanced measurements of dynamic properties of built-up systems

Cranfield University - Centre for Defence Engineering

We are delighted to offer an exciting PhD studentship on “Advanced measurements of dynamic properties of built-up systems” The project involves experimental and modelling work.

Built-up systems are composed of subsystems which are held together by bolts, glue and other interfaces. These interfaces have a strong influence on dynamic behaviour and it is not yet possible to include their effects in computer based simulations. The objective of the research is to develop appropriate methods for measuring the dynamic properties of interfaces. The dynamic behaviour will be associated with vibration in a frequency range of 1 Hz to 1 kHz. Within this range the typical behaviour of an interface is to absorb energy. The measurement of this energy absorption is a key parameter that is needed for simulations. The research will involve the development of suitable test rigs, signal processing methods and modeling.
