Post-doctoral Position in the Accelerator Physics group for the Round Beam Production – (m/f)

Position: Effective since 1st of July 2015 and shall be open until filled.

SOLEIL is an electron storage ring that produces synchrotron radiation, extremely powerful light source for exploring inert or living matter. This multidisciplinary tool, indispensable in the fields of research and industrial applications, welcomes more than 3,000 users per year. Financed by two principal shareholders- the CNRS and the CEA- SOLEIL holds a status of “Public company”. SOLEIL runs continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with uninterrupted periods of up to 10 weeks. SOLEIL staff is composed of about 500 employees, all categories combined (permanent staff, PhD students, post – doctoral students, apprentices ….).

1. Mission

Synchrotron SOLEIL (Saint Aubin, France) and MAXIV Laboratory (Lund, Sweden) currently carry out a 5-year collaboration programme consisting of a wide variety of studies and development of mutual interest for both laboratories. The MAXIV 3 GeV ring currently under construction shall be the first of a new generation of ultralow horizontal emittance machines making use of concepts and technologies that pave the way towards future Diffraction Limited Storage Rings (DLSR).

In present 3rd generation light sources, like SOLEIL, the photon beam produced in an undulator is usually flat, having a large horizontal size. For the beamline experiments, even if the photon flux remains sufficient, this flat beam results in a significant loss of brilliance. The production of small and round photon beams would have a huge advantage for present and future synchrotron light sources especially for experiments such as scanning x-ray microscopy and coherent diffraction imaging.

Small round beams will be generated in MAXIV by using the ultralow horizontal emittance together with an ultralow coupling. For SOLEIL, it has been theoretically demonstrated that it is possible to reach very small horizontal and vertical beam sizes in an undulator, by means of local exchange of the apparent horizontal and vertical emittances. For this, a long straight section will be dedicated to install the required equipment such as strong skew quadrupoles that are used to match optical functions and emittances in the undulator, and a solenoid outside the undulator to cancel beam divergences.

The successful candidate shall study the potential merits of the small round photon beam compared to the flat beam one, for both MAXIV and SOLEIL schemes, in terms of flux, brilliance, coherence, optical equipment characteristics, and sensitivity to the mismatch between the electron and the photon beams. The figure of merit shall be the brightness of the photon beam delivered on the sample. For this he (or she) shall study the properties of the electron beam in the storage ring as well as the resulting photon beam and its propagation through a realistic beam line. Parts of such theoretical investigation may be verified experimentally wherever possible. For numerical studies, available tools such as SRW, or equivalent codes, may be utilized.

Though the successful candidate shall principally work at Synchrotron SOLEIL, he (or she) is expected to interact closely with the colleagues both at SOLEIL and MAXIV Laboratory. He (or she) shall be regularly given opportunities to participate in conferences and workshops and present his (or her) works, as well as making publications of the outcomes in appropriate journals.

2. Qualifications & Experience

The candidate is expected to possess a PhD degree in physics or equivalent competence.

We are looking for motivated candidates with a very strong university background in physics (optics, classical electrodynamics, radiation-matter interactions), mathematics (linear algebra, numeric methods, statistics), and computer science. Experience with synchrotron radiation, accelerator physics, high energy physics or relevant engineering fields would be an asset.

The working language is English. Ability to speak French shall be an added value.

3.  General conditions

The offer concerns a Post-doctoral contract for an 18 months-period. A wide range of valuable training programs, research and upgrading opportunities will be accessible. Moreover, the position benefits from a progressive employment conditions and a flexible work-life balance policy.

The contract will start as soon as possible and will end in December 2016.

The place of work will be at Synchrotron SOLEIL, which is located in the Paris suburbs (Saint-Aubin).

Applications should include a motivation letter and Curriculum Vitae with the addresses of three references. Applications should be preferably registered directly on the:

with the reference: Post-Doc-MAXIV


Human Resources

Célicia Boudaud

Tél: 33 (0)