Terms of Reference




In the context of the 2005 humanitarian reform process, UNHCR committed to take a lead role concerning shelter. Part of this commitment was to improve preparedness in shelter and to convene the Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) at country level in conflict situations.

Since then UNHCR has led the Shelter Cluster at country level in more than 20 occasions, currently leading 11 active clusters or cluster-like situations at country level. The Shelter and Settlement Section (SSS) is takes care of the coordination of the GSC within UNHCR and responds to all shelter needs when required. To coordinate the Shelter Cluster at country level UNHCR deploys coordination capacity which includes a qualified shelter specialist deployed as a Shelter Cluster Coordinator.


The GSC has created a Support Team composed of different roles. In order to advance in its performance as GSC lead for conflict situations, UNHCR will appoint an Information Management Officer (IMO) to work closely with the IM Global Focal Point appointed by IFRC and other partners. Together, they are in charge of acting as surge capacity to country level shelter clusters, setting up IM systems, supporting capacity building and preparedness in country. In addition, the IMO will be in charge of compiling data and analysing trends from all country-level clusters, capturing and improving tools for Information Managers, and providing inputs to inter-agency and inter-clusters discussions.

The Global Focal Point will be hired by UNOPS through an Individual Contractor Agreement and seconded to UNHCR.


The Global Shelter Cluster Global Focal Points will work under the supervision of the Senior Emergency Shelter Coordinator. Their tasks are:

Activities related to country level Shelter Clusters:

  1. Provide in-country surge capacity and remote support to the UNHCR-led shelter clusters to set up their information management systems including the website and factsheet;
  2. Adapt global tools to the different responses, including 4Ws, reporting templates and shelter/NFI gap analysis;
  3. In coordination with the UNHCR Field Information and Coordination Support Section (FICSS), IFRC, and OCHA interact with the different information/data portals – Humanitarian Response, UNHCR data, and – to ensure country information is readily available and shared amongst the different platforms.
  4. With the information management team from IFRC, identify gaps and needs for strengthening shelter cluster information management systems;
  5. With the GSC Support Team, compile data from country-level clusters in order to provide an overall picture of country-level clusters statistics, trends, advocacy messages, and other analyses.

Related to the Global Shelter Cluster:

  1. In collaboration with IFRC and FICSS, create systems and tools to better address information management needs of the GSC and country-level shelter clusters;
  2. Represent UNHCR in the GSC Working Groups as required.
  3. Liaise regularly with the CCCM and Protection clusters to promote collaboration and synergies in information management among the three UNHCR led clusters;
  4. Be the GSC focal point for the roll out of IASC Coordination Performance Monitoring Tool.
  5. Participate in the preparation and facilitation of the GSC events and trainings.

D.Qualifications and experience


· University degree in Information Technology, Demography, Statistics, Social Sciences, Architecture, Engineering or a related field. Master’s degree is an asset.

Experience required

· Between 2 to 4 years’ experience on a similar position including direct experience as information manager. Previous experience in the Shelter Cluster would be an asset

· Knowledge of Cluster mechanisms, UN coordination systems and Humanitarian Reform process.

· Knowledge of different data collection methodologies. Proven skills to analyse statistical information. Ability to formulate IM-related technical requirements and Operating Procedures. Ability to translate planning-specifications into technical briefs for data capture and analysis, and vice versa.

· Desirable: Knowledge and experience of shelter-related programmes with particular focus on conflict-related emergencies and contexts.


· Good knowledge of the Humanitarian Reform process, the cluster approach, and the Transformative Agenda.

· Knowledge of the humanitarian community, including donors, governments, the UN system and relevant international and regional organizations.

· Good communication and analytical skills. Basic understanding of social statistics and demography.

· Excellent command of Excel web applications and other software related to Information Management.

· Basic qualitative and quantitative research skills, including interviewing techniques.

· Proven interpersonal and negotiating skills.

· Ability to use a logical and structured approach to collate, archive, and synthesize information.

Good spoken and written English. Good spoken French. Knowledge of other languages particularly Arabic and Russian would be an asset.


· UNHCR HQ in Geneva.

· Available for field missions as needed.


· Until the end of 2015, renewable.

Start date

· 30 April 2015


Please send your CV and cover letter by e-mail to HQshelter<στο> Applications must be received no later than 7 April, 2015. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.