Terms of Reference



In the context of the 2005 humanitarian reform process, UNHCR committed to take a lead role concerning shelter. Part of this commitment was to improve preparedness in shelter and to convene the Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) at country level in conflict situations.

Since then UNHCR has led the Shelter Cluster at country level in more than 20 occasions, currently leading 11 active clusters or cluster-like situations at country level. The Shelter and Settlement Section (SSS) is takes care of the coordination of the GSC within UNHCR and responds to all shelter needs when required. To coordinate the Shelter Cluster at country level UNHCR deploys coordination capacity which includes a qualified shelter specialist deployed as a Shelter Cluster Coordinator.


The GSC has created a Support Team composed of different roles, including those of the Global Focal Points (GFP). In order to advance in its performance as Shelter Cluster lead for conflict situations, UNHCR has appointed GFPs who work together with those appointed by IFRC. Together, they are in charge of providing technical or surge support to country level shelter clusters and to the bodies of the GSC, providing inputs to inter-agency discussions and inter-cluster coordination at the country and global level, and to building capacity and enhancing preparedness.

The Global Focal Point will be hired by UNOPS through an Individual Contractor Agreement and seconded to UNHCR.


The main objectives of the deployment of GFPs are:

1.More efficient, predictable and faster responses: having GFPs already identified, trained, experienced, and contracted enables a quick, predictable, and highly qualified instant deployment.

2.Relevant contributions at the global level: GFP, through their direct and remote support to country-level clusters, will ensure that preparedness activities carried out at global level will be directly influenced by country-level practice. Global-level decisions will be directly transmitted to country level by the GFP.

3.Improved training: When they are not deployed, GFP will collaborate with SSS in the delivery and design of cluster coordination trainings and tools. Their direct and continuous work both at country and global levels will provide them with relevant knowledge to share with participants of the trainings.

4.Improved coordination: Shelter Cluster Coordination Teams (SCT) are in a position to capture the best tools and latest developments among all the humanitarian actors (UN, Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, and NGOs). Cluster Coordinators and in particular GFP have a high visibility and interact at high-level with Government counterparts, donors, and others. They are in a good position to identify issues and develop relevant advocacy messages to improve Clusters efficiency and response.


The Global Shelter Cluster Global Focal Points will work under the supervision of the Chief of the Shelter and Settlement Section of UNHCR. Their tasks are:

  1. Be the focal person for the shelter clusters and cluster-like mechanisms activated or to be activated in his/her area of responsibility.
  2. Be deployed for short time (usually up to one month) to support the establishment of the Shelter Cluster and create the necessary coordination systems and processes.
  3. Be deployed for short time (usually up to one month) in context where the Shelter Clusters are active and provide support for the analysis of the crises and the design of the strategies.
  4. Identify issues and challenges faced by SCT at country level and advocate at HQ and global levels to address them.
  5. Provide remote support to deployed SCT and capture best practices and lesson learned.
  6. Provide remote support to deployed SCT and provide guidance throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle’s process.
  7. Prepare and refine tools to improve cluster coordination at country level.
  8. Organize and facilitate trainings at country level and bring best practices and lessons learned.
  9. Together with the other GFPs, provide support to the UNHCR Global Learning Centre in organising and facilitating the “Co-Lead” (Coordination and Leadership) training and lead the process for the new shelter cluster coordination training that will be specifically dedicated to shelter cluster coordinators to be.
  10. Participate in Global Shelter Cluster initiatives, working groups and fora upon request.
  11. Internally advocate on behalf of the Shelter Cluster on its scopes and modus operandi.
  12. Internally liaise with bureaus of area of responsibilities to coordinate actions, strategies and methodologies.
  13. Responsible for the design of TORs and support to the selection and recruitment processes of staff to be working in clusters located within the GFP’s area of responsibilities.
  14. Oversee the work of any regional cluster staff that the GSC might assign to the regions of responsibility.
  15. Anticipated 40% deployed to the field.

E.Qualifications and experience


· University degree at a masters’ level. Preferably in architecture, civil engineering or other comparable academic preparation.

Experience required

· Minimum 10 years’ experience on a similar position including 5 years humanitarian international experience in senior management positions.

· Knowledge of Cluster mechanisms, UN coordination systems and Humanitarian Reform process.

· Good knowledge and experience of shelter-related programmes with particular focus on conflict-related emergencies and contexts.

· Experience with the role of an adviser and of providing remote support to programs managers.

· Very good knowledge of the Shelter and Settlement sector.

· Experienced and familiar with protection as well as other cross-cutting issues like age, gender, and diversity, disability, HLP, and environment.

· Preferable: Good and proven knowledge in UNHCR operations and management. Experience in organizing trainings.


· Proven leadership, negotiation, coordination, inter-personal and communication skills.

· Ability to produce strategies, guidelines and instructions at global and country levels.

· Analytical thinking, planning and organisational development skills, political awareness.

· Ability to work independently in a result oriented multi-tasking and multi-cultural environment and manage conflicting priorities.

· Ability to represent the organization at various levels.

· Excellent knowledge of English (spoken, written), other UN languages would be an asset particularly French.


· UNHCR HQ in Geneva.

· Available for field missions as needed.


· Until the end of 2015, renewable.

Start date

· 30 April 2015


Please send your CV and cover letter by e-mail to HQshelter<στο> Applications must be received no later than 7 April, 2015. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.