Research Fellowships at NATO Defense College, Italy (2015)

The NATO Defense College currently offers five fellowships each year in the field of defense and security policy research related to NATO and its partners. The objective is to promote research and political consulting in areas of particular interest to the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), to NATO’s partners in the Partnership for Peace (PfP) and to NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) partners and Other Military Cooperation (OMC) / Partners Across the Globe (PAG). Since the programme’s inception in 1993 and up until the end of 2014, the College has awarded a total of 86 fellowships. Beginning in 2015, each year the NDC Research Division will select, on a competitive basis, two Eisenhower Fellows as well.

This year, two fellowships are available for candidates from PfP countries, two for candidates from MD countires and one for a candidate from an OMC/PAG country. The duration of each fellowship is four months. The fellow will be located at the NATO Defense College, in Rome, Italy.

The fellows will be selected on the basis of their specific aptitude and experience for carrying through a major defense or security research project related to NATO, its member states and/or the Partner country (research projects with no relation to NATO will not be considered). Beside the quality of the research proposal, very important in order to be selected will be the academic qualifications of the candidate, professional experience and publication record. Candidates must have a good working knowledge of English or French and be computer literate.

16,000 EUR are provided for the fellow intended to cover the costs of their stay in Rome and their travel expenses.

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Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τετάρτη, Σεπτέμβριος 30, 2015