Early Stage Researchers (2 research staff fixed positions leading to PhD in Textiles)

Heriot-Watt University - School of Textiles and Design


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The ArcInTexETN is a collaborative EU network project which aims at the design/technology interface by undertaking research in advanced materials for improving sustainable living through innovation. PhD students will form the core of the network and they will undertake academic research, collaborate with partners and with industry and disseminate the findings of the research program to the wider community. New adaptive, responsive, multifunctional, SMART materials will form the basis of this research program which is expected to produce innovations in textiles, garments and interiors.

Two fully funded PhD positions based at the Scottish Borders Campus of Heriot Watt University are now open in the board area of “Textile Structures for Adaptive and Responsive Clothing”.

PhD Program Description and Requirements

The two PhD students will be based at the Research Institute for Flexible Materials (RIFleX) at the School of Textiles and Design, in the Scottish Borders Campus of Heriot Watt University and will be under the primary supervision of Prof George K Stylios, the Director of RIFleX. The focus of the research is on advanced textiles for garments, covering the following areas:

Shape and Colour Changing Fabrics

  • Knowledge of chemistry and materials is needed

PsychoTextiles; Interacting textiles with brainwave activity and developments of wearable EEG systems and/or SMART fabrics

  • Knowledge of interactive textiles and use of EEG is essential

Wearable textile sensors integrated into clothing for intelligent living environments and/or extreme conditions

  • Knowledge of sensors and wireless computing are essential

Wearable and textile-based electronics for wearable computing systems

  • Knowledge of electronics, signal processing, programming and wireless computing are essential

Synthesis and Development of Multifunctional Nanotextiles; chemical formation, nanoprocessing, characterisation, with end-uses in garments and/or interiors

  • Knowledge of chemistry and nano technology is essential

The duration of the research is three years full-time and will be coordinated in accordance with the scope of the overall aims of the programme, for more information please see further details about the network below.  

Qualifications and mobility rules

Candidates should possess the minimum of a first class undergraduate degree of the highest grade, preferably a Masters also with evidence of research, independent thinking and publication. The normal requirement of English Language for those with English being their second language is IELTS 6.5 minimum. We are looking for highly motivated individuals that want to push boundaries. The selection process is expected to be very competitive and based on academic attainment and experience.

The successful candidates are expected to undertake secondments with partners and industry, to participate at summer schools and conferences and to publish/exhibit findings of their research. The rotation of PhD students between the partners will enable them to learn complementary research techniques and methods, experience different working/living environments and cultures, and consequently broaden their perspectives and capabilities and enhance their career development.

Applicants must also meet the requirements of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Conditions of Mobility of Researchers. The researchers may be a national of a Member State, of an Associated Country or of any other country and are required to undertake transnational mobility. Researcher must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies etc) in the country of his/her host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her recruitment. Short stays as holidays, are not taken into account. An ESR must be an early stage researcher (i.e. in the first four years of his/her research career and not have a doctoral degree).


Successful and eligible candidates will be employed at Heriot Watt University, register for a PhD degree and carry out research under the supervision of Prof G K Stylios. These candidates will be research staff of the university and will receive a mobility allowance and, if eligible, a family allowance, for three years at the rates stipulated by the European Commission for Marie Skłodowska Curie researchers. The estimated annual gross salary would therefore be of the order of £30,050 yearly for an ESR with family and £27,014 without family. These research contracts will conform with the Human Resource rules of Heriot Watt University in accordance with UKs relevant employment regulations whilst meeting the European Commission´s requirements for Marie Skłodowska Curie programmes.

Application Process and Contact

Prospective candidates are invited to send a complete PhD Application form (https://myhwu.hw.ac.uk/HWSAS8/bwskalog.P_DispLoginNon) together with evidence of qualifications and knowledge of English if necessary. They should also provide a case for support of their application, indicating in which area they would like to work and why.

Please send complete applications to Ms Mags Fenner at m.fenner<στο>hw.ac.uk. The deadline of receipt of applications is the 14 April 2015

We are to complete a short-list of ten candidates by the 20th April and to complete final interviews by 8thMay.

The appointed candidates are expected to undertake their post by the 1st September 2015.
