Low SEY Surfaces for Future Particle Accelerators

The University of Manchester - Physics and Astronomy

The University of Manchester

Academic School: Physics and Astronomy

Project title: Low SEY surfaces for future particle accelerators

Anticipated start date for project: September 2015 for 3 years

A PhD studentship is available starting from the beginning of academic year 2015 (or as soon as possible) in accelerator physics group, the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester. The studentship is fully funded by the Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC), which study all aspects of the science and technology of charged particle accelerators.

Closing date for applications: 31st May 2015, the application process remains open until a suitably qualified candidate is successfully recruited.

Information about the project:

Secondary electron yield (SEY) is an important characteristic of the surface in many applications. Surfaces with low SEY are required for particle accelerator beam chamber, waveguides, detectors, etc. Recently invented Low SEY Laser Engineered Surface Structures as well as other surface treatment and coatings would be in a core of the research programmes.

The aim of the study will be to systematically investigate the correlation between surface preparation, its microstructure, surface chemistry and SEY. The vacuum properties of these surfaces as well as their behaviour at cryogenic temperatures will be in a focus of the research to provide the solution for Future Circular Collider (FCC) which design has commenced under EU H2020 programme. The ASTeC vacuum science group has built up a significant level of expertise in producing and studying various low SEY surfaces and coatings. Several deposition systems for planar and tubular magnetron sputtering and in-house analytical facilities are available for use.  The objectives of this project are:

  • Designing and building a facility for SEY measurements at cryogenic temperatures
  • Preparing samples with various techniques including coatings.
  • SEY will be assessed in terms of surface composition, morphology and structure.
  • Surface compositions, morphology and chemical bonding will be examined by X-ray Photon Spectroscopy (XPS), Medium Energy Ion Scattering (MEIS), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS/EDX) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). 

Qualifications applicants should have/expect to receive: The successful candidate will spend most of his/her time in the STFC Daresbury Laboratory near Warrington, working within ASTeC vacuum science group. The candidate will be largely responsible for the day-to-day running of their project, supported by ASTeC and University supervisors. The successful candidate will have or expect to obtain a first or top upper second class degree or equivalent in a relevant degree (e.g. MPhys, MSci) in science. Those with experimental/computational skills and enthusiasm for research and innovation are encouraged to apply.

Amount of funding available and eligibility: The project is fully funded by ASTeC for 3 years. No prior experience of vacuum science and accelerator physics are required, as a full package of training and support will be provided. 

Contact for further information: guoxing.xia@manchester.ac.uk or drop in to Room 7.11, Schuster Building on Manchester campus.

Project Supervisors: Dr Guoxing Xia (Manchester Accelerator Physics Group), Dr. Oleg Malyshev and Dr. Reza Valizadeh (ASTeC Vacuum Science Group).

How to apply: www.manchester.ac.uk/postgraduate/howtoapply
