Seven (7) PhD Scholarships, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University, UK (2015-2016)

The Aston School of Engineering and Applied Science invites applications for its three-year PhD studentships within the Computer Science Research Group. The successful applicant will join the newly formed Aston Institute for Systems Analytics. This studentship includes a fee bursary to cover the home/EU fees rate plus a maintenance allowance of £15,500 in 2014/15 paid in monthly installments. Applicants from outside the EU may apply for this studentship but will need to pay the difference between the ‘Home/EU’ and the ‘Overseas’ tuition fees, currently this is £10,914 in 2014/15.

Study Subject (s):
Studentship is awarded to work for a project on “Trust and Reputation in Multi-agent Systems” within the Computer Science Research Group at Aston University. The successful applicant will join the newly formed Aston Institute for Systems Analytics.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τρίτη, Ιούνιος 30, 2015