PhD Scholarships, Academic Medical Center (AMC), Netherlands (2015-2016)

The PhD candidates will develop advanced 4D flow MRI in the heart and large vessels. The project is funded by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW. In this project we aim to develop and validate a novel 4D flow MRI strategy, which includes image acquisition, reconstruction, as well as analysis methods. This will allow flow imaging at unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution within clinically accepted scan time. The developed methodology will eventually provide new insights in severity and progression of congenital heart diseases. Experts in both MRI (A.J. Nederveen, G.J. Strijkers), 4D flow analysis (H.A. Marquering, P. van Ooij) and cardiovascular disease (S.M. Boekholdt) will supervise the project. The positions are available immediately.

Applicants should have finished a master program in mathematics, physics, biomedical engineering or technical medicine and have a keen interest in developing advanced techniques in medical research. Knowledge and experience in human MRI scanning, pulse programming and postprocessing is desirable, but not an exclusive requirement.

Conditions of employment
Both full-time positions (36 hrs./week) are temporary for a maximum of 4 years (duration of a PhD project). Your salary will start at € 2220 and run up till a maximum of € 2818 euro gross per month in the 4th year. You will receive a contract with AMC Medical Research BV. The AMR BV knows good working conditions including a holiday pay allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% of the gross annual salary.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Δευτέρα, Απρίλιος 20, 2015