Eight (8) PhD Scholarships in Information, Cultural & Social Sciences, University of Siegen, Germany (2015-2016)

With 19,200 students, 1,900 employees, including 1,200 academic positions, the University of Siegen is an innovative institution emphasizing interdisciplinary orientation. Consisting in a broad spectrum of departments, from liberal arts, social sciences, and economics to natural sciences and engineering, the University of Siegen provides an outstanding teaching and research environment with numerous inter/transdisciplinary research projects.

For 1 October 2015 the interdisciplinary Research Training Group (post-graduate program) Locating Media ("Graduiertenkolleg" GRK 1769) of the University of Siegen is accepting applications for

- one doctoral post in information systems/human-computer interaction (salary category TV-L 13, 100%)
for 1,5 years (according to DFG standards, continuation from April 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 possible after successful evaluation of the research school, with the option to extend the contract for a third year after positive evaluation) and

- seven doctoral posts in cultural and social studies (media research) (salary category TV-L 13, 65%)
for 1,5 years (according to DFG standards, continuation from April 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 possible after successful evaluation of the Research Training Group, with the option to extend the contract for a third year after positive evaluation).

The post-graduate program Locating Media supports media research that investigates locative and situational media processes in social and cultural studies. Eight fields are involved in the post-graduate program: media studies, history, information science, literary studies, linguistics, ethnology, political science, sociological technology studies. Transdisciplinary developments in current and historical research are encouraged.

In addition to doctoral and post-doctoral positions, the post-graduate program offers an interdisci-plinary network, expert mentoring, and an educational program, as well as travel funding for partic-ipatory observation, archival research, and a semester abroad. Locating Media participants are expected to produce distinguished scholarly achievement and to display interest in the content and methods of the program’s interdisciplinary concerns, with conscientious support of all program events. Proficiency in German is required.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Παρασκευή, Μάιος 8, 2015