Postdoctoral Positions in Molecular Biology, Monash University, Australia (2015-2016)

The Haigh lab uses cutting edge transgenic mouse models and ES/iPS cell-based technologies to better understand cell fate and cellular transformation at the molecular level. Here the role of the ZEB and SNAI family of transcription factors in normal haematopoietic stem cell differentiation and lineage commitment (see Goossens et al., Blood, 2011) as well as their roles in the development of leukemic cancer stem cells with a focus on T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL) will be further investigated (See Goossens et al., Nature Communications, 2015).

Desired skills and experience
We are looking to recruit highly motivated researchers having a PhD in molecular biology or related field with a proven track record of high quality publications. Previous experience in working with transgenic mouse models of haematopoiesis and/or ES/iPS cell-based differentiation assays is highly desirable but not essential. In addition, top candidates will have a strong molecular biology and genomics background in the generation and/or functional analysis of RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and microarray data.

Further details:

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Τετάρτη, Απρίλιος 22, 2015