PostDoc - Applied Geology

Job description

The Post doc employment is for two years.  A reserach programme financed by Boliden and Vinnova started in autumn 2014, with aim to prevent sulphide oxidation in mine wastes by using restmaterial from mining industry and other industries. In this project the research will be focused on development of dry cover by using low sulphide tailings from Aitik. The Work will be performed in collaboration with Boliden. A large part of the work will consist of geochemical characterization of low sulphide tailings, laboratory and field work and writing scientific papers. Even some departmental duties in the form of supervision of PhD students and teaching may be included.

Please submit your full application by clicking the "APPLY" button.

Desired skills and experience

To be eligible for the position a doctoral degree in Environmental Earth Science, or equivalent is needed. Experience of geochemical fieldwork, environmental mineralogy, mine waste geochemistry and remediation of mine waste is meritorious.

About the employer

Luleå University of Technology (LTU) is one of the leading universities in research and education for the mining industry in Sweden. The entire chain from exploration through mining, processing, metallurgy to environmental aspects as well as research on occupational safety and security, commodity economy and societal aspects of mining and processing. The research group at Applied Geology at the division of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering perform research which is directed towards environmental exogenic geochemistry, with applied research that aims at studying and quantifying anthropogenic effects as well as to develop methods for mitigation of negative effects. The group has been involved in previous EU-project such as Umbrella, ImpactMin, Georange and involved in on-going ERA-MIN project and national pograme such as MiMi.